The Epilogue

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The Epilogue

A text flashed across my phone surprising me. I saw an attachment, and I pressed the file. A picture appeared of a newborn beautiful baby with tan skin and bright hazel eyes. Rebecca was holding the baby in her arms on a hospital bed. I could see Rebecca was older than when I last saw her over six years ago, but still beautiful. Her hair was much more sun-bleached than Rachel's now though, living in Hawaii for so many years.

A text flashed again. Hannah Sarah Finau. 7.5lb. Born January 13, 2012 at 3:15am.

Tears slid down my cheeks. I pressed my finger to the screen wishing I could touch my new niece.

My phone rang and I saw it was my birth father. I answered quickly. "Hey dad."

He spoke with relief. "I'm glad you answered. I want to make sure you got my message. I have no clue how to work these crazy smartphones."

I laughed. "Yes. I got it. I'm impressed you didn't use email." I adjusted myself in the tree so my legs hung below me. I kicked them back and forth. "She's beautiful. I wish so much I could go with you."

He sighed. "Me too, sweetie. Rachel did want me to ask you about meeting up with her and Paul sometime soon. She hasn't seen you since Renesmee's birthday. She said phone calls aren't cutting it for her."

I smiled. "Maybe we can set something up in March once school gets out for spring break."

My father cleared his throat. "Yes... speaking of school. Carlisle told me you're passing most of your classes except History. Are you really not retaining any information from your third time in high school?"

I groaned. "History is just so boring dad!"

"I'm sure your brother Jasper would disagree."

I sighed. "Yeah. He already scolded me heavily when he saw my test yesterday. His exact words were 'do you even listen to me when I tell you these dates.' I honestly wanted to tell him I pay attention but don't retain."

Dad laughed. "Oh, Hannah. I miss you so much."

I smiled softly. "I miss you too dad. I sent a painting in the mail. You should hopefully get it in a few days."

"Perfect. I can't wait to see it."

I shut my eyes. "I love you dad."

His voice staggered as his throat tightened from emotion. "I always have and always will love you, Hannah."

My heavy heart lightened. "Keep Jacob and Nessie out of trouble in Hawaii. Knowing those two they'll end up wrestling sharks."

My dad laughed. "I'll do my best." He stopped and then let out a heavy breath. "Happy Birthday, Hannah."

I smiled. "Thanks dad."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. Once my conversation was done, I decided I was in my tree long enough. Dropping from the branch, I fell easily on my feet and headed back towards the house.

The mansion we lived in at current was huge. It was fit for the twelve of us most definitely. It was built similar to our home in Forks, surrounded by forest with wide open windows. Esme had it built while we lived in New Hampshire for four years. We were currently in Alaska. I wasn't a huge fan of the state, but at least it was closer to La Push.

Embry and Quil would actually run up to visit us sometimes. Jacob was still Alpha, but Leah had imprinted on a man from the Makah tribe two years ago and stopped phasing, so Seth became his Beta like he always dreamed. Embry and Quil had joined Jacob's pack for two years, but finally they decided being so far away didn't work and they returned to what was now Jared's pack (although Jared planned to stop phasing in a year and pass the pack on to Embry).

All in all, my friends and family were doing just fine.

Stepping into the doorway, I was immediately stopped by Renesmee. She was seventeen years old in appearance, and her aging was next to nothing now. We knew she would stop growing entirely in two years like the hybrid Nahuel said when we last saw him five years ago. If anything she might get one inch taller, but I had a feeling she was about done. She had long copper curly hair, chocolate brown eyes, a pink tint to her strong soft skin, and beautiful lashes. The only flaw about her was that she was two inches taller than me now. I couldn't believe I was shorter than a five year old.

"Aunt Hannah! It's about time you came inside! Everyone was about to run out and drag you in."

She pulled me through the large living room, and into the kitchen. As she dragged me to where my family was waiting, I was shocked to see the room was decorated with white flowers. A cake sat on the table. On icing was written, "Happy Birthday Jacob and Hannah." There were pink Minnie Mouse ears on half the cake, and car designs on the other half.

Jacob smirked when he saw my expression of horror. They knew I hated the attention, especially on my birthday. I shrieked and turned to leave. I should've stayed in my tree.

Emmett and Jasper blocked my exit. Emmett smirked, "Not so fast, Lassie. It's not every day you turn twenty-two."

I was horrified. "Why are we still counting?! Birthdays are cancelled when you no longer age!"

Seth laughed from where he stood behind Jacob who was seated by the cake with a party hat. "Liar," Seth said. "You were thrilled to celebrate my birthday back in June."

"Okay. Let me rephrase. My birthday is cancelled because I no longer age!"

Alice skipped over and placed a tiara on my head. Bella grabbed my arm at the same time and pulled me to the table. I was forced to sit beside Renesmee who was grinning at my embarrassment. Edward put candles on top of the cake, eleven for me and eleven for Jacob. Carlisle stepped over and lit the candles while Esme took pictures. Rosalie darted to the piano in the other room and started to play the traditional birthday tune.

As my family started to sing, I sunk in my chair. Jacob was snickering at my actions. When the song finally ended, Jacob blew out his side. I made no move.

"Oh, come on Hannah! You're going to get wax on the icing! Hurry!" Seth was begging me to cooperate.

I groaned. I leaned forward and went to blow.

"A wish, Hannah! Don't forget," Renesmee ordered.

I sighed. Looking around the room, I stared at my family taking in their love and beauty. I knew all of my wishes had already come true.

I wasn't alone.

I still had my human father and sisters.

I still had my friends from the past.

I had a sweet and gentle hybrid niece.

I had an amazing twin brother.

I had two beautiful vampire parents who treasured me and only wanted me to be happy.

I had three beautiful vampire sisters who loved to dress me up, take me on their endless shopping trips, and spoil me rotten. Although, Bella was more so dragged on these trips with me.

I had three amazing and overprotective vampire brothers who loved me, but also really enjoyed picking on me for my clumsy nature, and my irrational fear of spiders.

And I had an amazing husband... my imprint... my one true love. I met Seth's gaze, and he met my own. He didn't need to say the words. We both knew what each other was saying. I love you.

There was really only one last thing I could wish for...

"Okay. Here goes nothing."

Shutting my eyes, I smiled. I wish I can be with the Cullens, Jacob, and Seth for the rest of my eternity.

I blew out the candles.

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