It's Me..

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Beam's pov

I can't breathe... Someone is chocking me.. If only I could move my hand...

But slowly I saw the figure I never wished to see.. Jane my sister.. Smiling madly at me and cursing me to die..

"Die... Die.. You should have died earlier...

My life is like this because of you

Only if you where not born"

Jane chocked Beam cursing him repeatedly

Without knowing Beam's hand moved and tears flew from him..

His own sister wanted him dead

Danny's POV

Today my dream became true.. Am with Beam in his room.. He is not familiar with me, but I will make him love me with my charm.. Grandma always says am the cutest kid..

I was having a good sleep when I heard a sound of someone whispering..

'Beam might have woken up' I jumped up from my bed in happiness

But the view in front of me was terrifying..

My own mother was trying to kill My Beam.. The most innocent person I have ever known..

No sound came from me

I saw how terrible my mother looked... She was filled with hatred and anger

My eyes moved to Beam who's eyes was open now but not with hope and love but in tears..

I had to save my Beam.. I promised myself to protect Beam

I ran to Beam and climbed over his bed and pushed my mother from Beam

The next thing I know is... I was in My Beam's embrace safe and secure..

Beam was hugging me tightly and sobbing hard..

"Danny" Beam called my name and I fell asleep

3rd person POV

Forth woke up hearing the sound from Beam's room..

He came in to the room to see Jane lying on the floor covered in blood..

He looked up to see Beam crying and hugging Danny who was now unconscious...

Beam was holding a knife dipped with blood.. They both had splashes of blood on their dress..

Forth called out for doctors who rushed to help Jane... Forth came near Beam and hugged him and his son..

Beam jerked up looked at Forth.. He looked around in fear and whispered

"I killed Jane.. Am sorry".. Beam

Beam looked at the pool of blood on his floor and suddenly handed Danny over to Forth...

" Take him from here.. Now.. " Beam ordered

"I killed Jane"

"Jane is dead"

Beam kept repeating with tears looking at Danny

Forth hugged Beam tighter

"Jane is not dead she is being treated" Forth

Beam looked up at Forth with hope in his eyes..

"Jane is not dead?.. I didn't kill her??" Beam

"No you didn't" Forth comforted Beam

Forth never left the room.. But kept comforting Beam who was crying and weeping the whole night..

Next day pearly in the morning Jaruji came running to the hospital..

Beam's room was now cleaned.. Danny was still asleep beside Beam and Beam was being injected to sleep..

Phana and a few others were there with Forth and Darvid.. Jaruji came in looking all horrified because of the strange atmosphere..

"Why are you all behaving strangely??" Jaruji

"It's about Jane" Darvid held Jaruji's hand

"Jane?? " Jaruji

"Am sorry.. I.. It's me.... Jane.. Dead.." Beam blabbled in his Sleep

Jaruji was shocking and looked at everyone for an answer but their silence confirmed his doubt

"How??" Jaruji held back his tears.. He wanted a stay strong

"Beam" Forth said in a low voice.. Everyone in the room felt like the ground being swept away from their foot

"I don't know.. Beam said it was him.. And.." Forth hesitated.  "Let's see the CCTV footage"

Phana bought the video and played them to all.. In the video they saw how Jane sneaked in and tried to kill

But the next scene shook their world.. The person killed Jane was not Beam but Danny..

Sorry to keep you wait

It's about to end


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