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Solar tapped the steering wheel impatiently while waiting for the red light to change when she sighed and made a call on her Bluetooth.


Sooin, I'm sorry. Solar said quietly. I shouldn't have yelled at you or cursed at you, you are a peds doctor and your offering to come even though you work in a few hours was really sweet of you; and even if it didn't seem like it, I did appreciate it.

Thanks and no apology is needed. That's your baby girl, your mini-me, your pride and joy, it's natural and expected for you to slightly freak out when you get a call about her in the middle of the night.

You are so understanding, thanks for being patient with me. You know I'm trying, right?

I know, babe. Go check on your princess, and remember you can call me if you need a second opinion.

101 isn't bad I mean she's seven, so it's not too bad.

No, it's not too bad, you told Moonbyul right, try to cool her down as much as possible, if it goes any higher than yes I would advise taking her in. You got this doc. She added with a small chuckle.

Solar nodded and turned down the street she was all too familiar with. Okay, thanks Soo, I'm pulling up, get some rest, I don't know when I'll be home.

I hope she feels better. I love you.

Solar slammed on the brakes since that was the first time Sooin has said those three words to her. 


She quickly hung up the phone and shook her head as she pulled into the long cobblestone driveway of the five-bedroom, four-bathroom house she once called home. She parked her silver BMW behind Moonbyul's car in the driveway and dug in her purse for the spare set of keys she still owned. She quickly got off her car and grabbed her medical bag from the front seat as she ran to the front door.

"Young!" Solar called while kicking her boots off, out of habit so she didn't scuff the marble floors in the foyer, she reached over and flicked the switch to turn on the huge crystal chandelier, which lit up the space she was in and causing the floor beneath her sparkle. She glanced around and took in the familiar sights for a moment. She looked to her left into the family room and remembered the nights they spent as a family cuddled in front of the fireplace watching movies, and the romantic nights she shared in there with Moonbyul; She looked at the 'picture' wall that had numerous family pictures on the wall, mainly of Sunyoung. She paused when she noticed Moonbyul still had a picture of the two of them from the night they got engaged, hanging on the wall, they were staring at each other, huge smiles on their faces. She stared at the picture and blinked as her eyes fell on another picture of the three of them from a Christmas a few years ago. She was shocked to see that Moonbyul still had pictures of her in the house. She tried to remember if Moonbyul always had the pictures up or if they were rehung recently but couldn't remember and decided to let it go.

"We are upstairs," Moonbyul said while leaning over the balcony at the top of the spiral staircase.

Solar nodded and ran up the long staircase. "Hey, how is she?"

"Still burning up," Moonbyul said quietly as Solar walked past her and practically ran down the hall and opened Sunyoung's door.

"Hey, princess." Solar whispered while leaning down and kissing her forehead, sighing when she felt how hot she was. "Dr. Mom is here to check you out." She said softly while opening her medical bag and pulling out her stethoscope and her travel blood pressure kit.

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