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"I've never asked, out of respect, but what really happened in that marriage?" She asked. "I know Hwasa believes you cheated, which I don't. So I want to hear from you, what lead up to the divorce?"

"I would never cheat on Moonbyul, you know that." Solar snapped.

"I know," Wheein assured her. "Moonbyul gets super pissed when Hwasa brings it up, FYI."

Solar took a deep breath. " know Moonbyul and I moved here to Seoul together the day after high school graduation, we had a small studio apartment that cost us a shit load of money, but we were so excited to finally be here, that we were willing to pay whatever." Solar smiled. "That apartment was a piece of shit, the heat never worked, the air never worked, we lived out of boxes because we didn't have enough room for another chest." Solar laughed softly to herself. "We slept on a fucking twin size bed, I think I slept on top of her every night, even nights we didn't have sex, because there wasn't enough room." She laughed a little louder. "We both got jobs as waitresses, Byul obviously making more in tips than me since she's nicer."

"Yep." Wheein agreed with a smirk.

Solar rolled her eyes and continued. "I got a second job as a bartender, which I was better at, and we started to save money like crazy until school started. I made more money than her. We both were really focused and knew what we wanted to major in, I always knew I would follow in my dad's footsteps and become a doctor, and Moonbyul didn't know what she wanted to do exactly, so just went into business."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...get to the good stuff." Wheein interrupting her. "You're stalling what caused the divorce?"

"Moonbyul and I started having problems right after Sunyoung turned three," Solar stated. "I was doing my residency so I had crazy hours, Moonbyul was moving up at work, life and our careers started to get in the way. We put Sunyoung and work before everything, and our marriage, unfortunately, began last on our to-do list."


Moonbyul shrugged. "Sunyoung always came first, it was like we were roommates raising a baby together." She glanced at Seulgi, who was chomping on a carrot. "I remember one week was so crazy, Sunyoung went to daycare at the hospital, since it was free with Solar working there, I would pick her up from daycare and not even see Solar, she was always in surgery, or with a patient, or studying for something. She didn't make an effort to see me when I came, and I didn't go out of my way to see her either."

"So, you two lost the love?" Seulgi asked while trying to understand Moonbyul's rambling.

"We never lost it." Moonbyul shook her head. "I still love her so much, but love isn't always enough, you know? Both of our main loves became work, and that's what tore us apart."


"That makes no sense." Wheein frowned. "How isn't love enough?" She took another sip of her wine.

Solar tossed Sunyoung's mitten back on the table. "I love Moonbyul more than anything, always have, but there was something missing from our marriage, something neither one of us knew how to fix, or we didn't bother fixing. We replaced what we needed with work, and that became our love I guess."

"Did you two do couple's counseling before divorcing?"

Solar nodded. "Yeah, Moonbyul filed for legal separation and we had court-ordered counseling before they would grant us a divorce."


" filed for legal separation?" Seulgi asked loudly.

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