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3 months later

Sunyoung jumped out of her bed and ran across the hotel suite in Hawaii, she was vacationing in and peeped into the other room. She saw Solar and Moonbyul still fast asleep, Moonbyul spooning her from behind, holding her ex-wife tightly. "Cool, they are still happy." She whispered before closing the door quietly and grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl in the kitchenette. She jumped on the couch and turned on cartoons.

"Why does she wake up so early?" Solar asked when she heard the TV blaring cartoons mixed in with Sunyoung's soft laughter. "We are on vacation."

"Well, she doesn't work seventy-hour weeks," Moonbyul replied, rubbing Solar's stomach, where her hand was resting. "I woke up early as a kid today."

Solar turned in her arms so she could face her. "Hey, I only worked fifty-four hours last week." She teased. "But this Spring Break vacation was perfect, thank you for inviting me."

"No problem," Moonbyul replied before pressing their lips together. "Thank you for taking off work to come."

"I let work get in the way and break us up once already." Solar shook her head. "I'm not doing that ever again. I want us to work this time around, I need us to. Family comes first."

"Good, me either." Moonbyul nodded as Solar started to kiss down her neck.

"Well, we've been here two days already and you haven't opened your laptop either." Solar smiled. "So, I'm not the only one that's not focused on work."

"This trip is for us as much as is it for Sunyoung," Moonbyul told her, her hand sliding under Solar's tank top. "We need to talk to her about us, and explain everything."

"We can tonight at dinner." Solar nodded.

"You promised to jet ski with her today." Moonbyul reminded Solar, who was moving to lie between Moonbyul's legs.

"I know." She mumbled against the pale skin she was placing soft kisses on when Sunyoung knocked on the door.

"I can hear kiss sounds, so I know you're awake," Sunyoung said softly.

Solar laughed and slid off of Moonbyul, she sat against the headboard next to the younger girl who was running her fingers through her hair. "Come on in, Sun," Moonbyul smiled.

"Do you need more grown-up time? Should I put my ear muffs back on?" Sunyoung asked, her big brown eyes looking between the two of them.

Solar laughed. "No, you don't need your muffs on, you haven't needed your muffs all week." She glanced at Moonbyul, who laughed at the sad twinkle in Solar's eyes. The two hadn't had sex since they landed in Hawaii. They slept in bed together and cuddled while talking the night away usually, only exchanging kisses after laughing and talking. Part of their talk when Moonbyul came to Jeju for Christmas was to make sure their relationship wasn't sole on sex, so they spent a lot of time when they were together talking, and going on dates, getting to know each other once another. Catching up on each other's new interests in TV, movies, new hobbies they picked up in the past years they were apart. They realized that while they co-parented they truly only did that, they didn't keep up with one another on a more personal level.

They didn't stay over each other's houses often either, occasionally after a family day on a Saturday with Sunyoung, depending on whose house they ended up at, they would stay the night, but they tried not to make a habit out of it. Mainly to avoid confusing Sunyoung or getting her hopes too high up, and also so they didn't confuse each other. They were determined to make sure their relationship was stronger this time around and stayed strong. They did have the sporadic mid-day quickie to relieve some tension either at the hospital, or they would meet at one of their places and indulge in each other before ending back to work, all smiles.

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