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Third Person POV

Harry did not want to be in London. He thought he did at the start of summer break, but after a week of sharing a flat with his sister, he was done with it.

So he looked for a job, which was actually a bit hard as a sixteen year old in London. Especially if you were only going to be working for around three months.

"Have they called yet Harry?" 

Harry looked up from the book he was reading. His sister had just walked through the door from grocery shopping. 

"No Gems, but I applied somewhere else yesterday."

Gemma frowned at this, "you went out by yourself?"

"Just for a job," Harry said, he knew his sister's -- or rather his mum's-- rules.

"Mum'll have my ass Harry," she said, knowing how protective Anne was over her youngest, "you didn't mention it to her did you?"

Harry shook her head furiously, "she'd be just as mad at you as she would be at me."

Gemma sighed and just placed her grocery bags on the counter. "Do you think you'll get it then?"

"A beating from Mum?" Harry joked.

"Haha Harry, I meant the job."

Harry shrugged, "I don't know, I don't think so," he thought back to the boy he had peed on who had later helped him calm down. Louis, that was his name. "There was another boy there who might have been applying, he looked older, and definitely better for the position than me."

Gemma hated how low her brother's confidence was. She stopped putting the milk in the fridge to face her brother, hands on her hips and all.

"Listen to me now mister," she waved a finger in his face, suddenly appearing right in front of Harry, "you are going to get this job. I don't care if there was some other stupid boy there who was older and whatever," she was sharp and direct with her words.

Harry wanted to tell her that the boy was not stupid and was, in fact, brilliant. Brilliantly nice, brilliantly sweet, brilliantly amazing-

"You listening Harry?" Gemma snapped her fingers in his face, Harry nodded weakly, a bit scared of his sister. "Good. Now. You are going to call wherever it was you applied-"

"-coffee shop," Harry interjected, murmuring.

"-and you are going to ask about your application. Employers love that, shows drive and interest. They'll hire you straight away." Gemma reasoned," and, even if they don't, you can apply elsewhere and you will get hired because you're Harry Styles and you can do anything. Got that babes?"

Harry was wide-eyed, shocked at his sister, but he nodded as fast as he could. 

"Good," Gemma said satisfied, "now what are you going to do?"

"Call the coffee shop."

"Good boy," Gemma beamed. Then she went back to putting away groceries like nothing ever happened. 

Harry immediately got to work on calling the coffee shop, he did not want to face the wrath of Gemma.

He searched up 'It's Just an Espresso,' smiling a bit at the cute name, and quickly located the number.

He rung it before he had time to talk himself out of it.

"Hello! This is 'It's Just an Espresso' how can I help you?"

Harry was glad to hear it wasn't that overactive lady he had interview him the other day. Loona, that was her name. He remembered because she was Loony, and she compared herself to one of his favorite characters.

"Hello, this is Harry Styles, I was just calling about my application?" Harry  was proud of himself for not stuttering, he felt like he sounded a bit professional.

"Oh yes, Harry! Lovely to speak with you, my name is Katie!" Katire spoke cheerily, but in a friendly way that Harry enjoyed. "I wish I could have been there for your interview yesterday, I was looking forward to it, you're the baker correct?"

Harry blushed, Katie was so nice and was actually intrigued about him. Unlike Loona, she kept ignoring him, treating him like a child.

"Yes, erm, I did work in a bakery."

"How lovely!" Katie cheered "I've been trying to start up a bakery for years, have always loved them, I mean who doesn't? Anyway, when I saw your application I knew I had to hire you."

"Really?" Harry couldn't stop himself from asking happily. 

"Of course dear! I would love for you to work here, I'm sorry I hadn't called any sooner, I was just getting stuff sorted out," Katie explained.

And so Harry sat on the phone for nearly an hour, asking questions and taking notes. He ended the call with a smile on his face which Gemma greeted with an 'I told ya so.'


Ummm...I wrote nearly three chapters today. Red flag.

Another red flag...I pierced my ear, again. I did it within five minutes too, just picked up a safety pin and stuck it in, no thoughts whatsoever. 

I'll have Larry interactions soon, I'm promising it to myself because Larry makes everything better. I saw a clip of them interacting with sign language, very cute. 

I'm very sad because I want to watch Louis' concert but I have to work like all day that day so I can't and I'm trying my best to keep it together because really Louis is all I got right now. Besides Harry and larry and the rest of the boys really. But Louis concert was so attainable and then work had to ruin it.

I work with a girl like Loona, but I haven't gotten to the worst of her even yet.



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