Alex's Plan

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Lauren jumped as Alex knocked five times on the closet door. After she'd heard gunshots, she gave up any hope of him coming back. But to her relief, he did.

"Is he gone?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah. The sniper's dealt with. But we have a bigger problem."

Elizabeth unfurled the shield around Lauren that she'd made with her tendrils. "What's the issue?"

He held up a bullet casing with his good arm. "The vampire that saved us is now trying to kill us."

Allison cursed to herself and punched the wall. "It seems no one's safe anymore. If Agony really was hired to kill you, then nowhere is safe. His only weakness is sunlight. He's immune to holy weapons, stakes, all of the traditional vampire weaknesses. There was only one man that could outmatch him, and that was your father."

Lauren pushed past all of them and sat on the bed. "What's going on here?"

Alex rubbed his bad arm. "He's after you, Lauren. Your uncle Victor hired him to kill you. And Agony is dedicated. He won't stop until the mission is completed. That's why I need to stop him before he gets to you."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "And just how do you suppose we do that?"

Alex pulled the knife he'd stabbed Agony with from his pocket. "I got a sample of vampire blood. I'm gonna take it to Frank and see if he can find a way to turn it against him. Make an anti-vampire bullet or something of the sort."

"You're gonna do this on your own? Are you nuts, he'll make short work of you."

"No. I'm gonna call uncle Corey. He knows the criminal underworld better than anyone else. He was also the only survivor of dad's anti-syndicate quest. Not to mention a skilled fighter."

"So is your aunt Sako. She'd be a real help."

Alex drew his revolvers and set them on the dresser. "Call Frank and give him a heads up. Tell him I'm gonna need some firepower," He stepped out onto the fire escape. "Liz, take Lauren to Red's house. You'll be safe there. Try to stay in the light. Avoid dark areas. He uses darkness to travel." He jumped off and flew away.

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