Big Mistake!

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Charlotte loaded her shotgun and threw it into her duffel bag that she'd loaded with enough munitions to supply a small army.

Three full auto pistols. One double-barrel shotgun. Five S.M.G's. And several boxes of ammunition. If Red wouldn't grant her request to kill Elizabeth, then she would have to do it herself. That psycho killed her mother and she wanted revenge. She wanted to make sure that she died a slow, painful death. Wanted her to look into her eyes and see the pain she'd caused her.

"I'll kill her," she said. "I'll send her blackened soul to Hell where it belongs. And if I have to, I'll go with her."

She jumped as Sako's desk phone rang. She picked it up. "Black and White paranormal department, how can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Sako Koughashira. Is she available?" Red asked.

Charlotte held the receiver away and cursed to herself. Her suspicions were right all along. Her sister had turned on her. "No. This is her assistant, Robyn Blanch. Sako's out right now. Would you like me to take a message?" She said, slightly altering her voice.

"If you'd please. There's an emergency at this address."

Charlotte listened as he told her where they were, writing it down so she wouldn't forget.

"Thank you for calling. I'll pass the message along. Have a nice day." She slammed the phone down and burst into maniacal laughter. She didn't have to look for them, because they told her where they were. Big mistake.

Six Shotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें