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Victor smiled as he saw the door to his office open. Alex and Corey stepped through and aimed their guns at Victor. He stood up and slid the ring onto his finger. "My, my. What a stubborn crowd you two are. I thought the fight was over when Agony had you pinned to the wall. I'd almost forgotten about the swordsman there. You two surprised me." He grabbed his desk and flung it at the pair. Alex stepped back and Corey slashed it in half, the remains smashing against the wall. Victor shook his head. "Ok, I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way."

He charged and bull tackled Alex through the wall and over the balcony. They crashed down on the receptionist's desk, smashing it to splinters.

Alex smashed the butt of his gun into Victor's nose and kicked him against the wall. He aimed his guns at Victor's head. "Why did you beat her? She was your niece, you sadistic prick."

Victor slumped against the wall and smiled through the blood that ran down his face. "Do you think I care about my brother's daughter? She was a source of income. Then out of the blue, I meet Agony and hire him to steal the ring for me. I don't need her anymore. She's just a liability at this point. I have the city holding its breath while they wait for me to do something. I'm a god to these people."

Alex wacked him with his gun. "You greedy pig. You're no god. You're a thorn in my side. A menace to these people."

Victor jumped up and took a swing at Alex. But the strike never connected because Corey cut his hand off at the wrist. He watched in shock as his ringed hand hit the floor and his arm gushed blood everywhere. He screamed and writhed around in agony.

Corey took the ring from the disembodied hand and slid it into his coat pocket. "Is the job over?"

Alex smiled and holstered his guns. "Let's ditch this fool and get some food. How does teriyaki sound?"

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