Elizabeth's Operation

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Elizabeth ducked behind a trash can as she saw Alex walk out the door. She was expecting him to be here, if not somewhere nearby. He looked around for a few seconds, then shot into the sky. Elizabeth was clear to move. She walked toward the door slowly and raised her hand to knock. But she never got the chance. The door flew open as she stepped on the worn welcome mat. Calvin chuckled as he saw her. "You're Elizabeth, right?"

Elizabeth nodded. Calvin led her inside. "I thought you'd be here sooner or later. Judging by what Alex is doing, I'm assuming you're here for a very specific operation. So you can aid him, and make sure not to endanger your child at the same time, correct?"

Again, Elizabeth nodded. Calvin donned a pair of latex gloves and took the scalpel from the sanitation bin. "Let's begin, shall we?"

Elizabeth laid on the table and raised her shirt. "How long will this take?"

"About an hour. Assuming you want to use anesthesia."

Elizabeth shook her head. "I can take it. If need be, I'll heal myself with my venom. I need to be conscious and gone before Alex gets back for the bullets."

Calvin nodded. "This is gonna hurt. A lot."

Elizabeth nodded. Calvin handed her a bite block. "If you change your mind, the tank is right there, just raise your hand or something." Elizabeth brandished a tendril and stabbed herself in the leg with it before laying back. "Hurry up."

Calvin leveled the knife and sliced slowly. One wrong move and he could accidentally nick an artery. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

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