The Past

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The skull's eyes lit up, then Rapture began to form. She stared in horror at the demon before her.

Rapture cackled as he stood. "Well, that took a while. Why did you hold back?"

Elizabeth didn't answer. Rapture looked into her eyes. "Is there something wrong, my queen?"

Elizabeth smiled slightly. "Yes. You made a mistake, my king."

Rapture scowled. "And what was that?" He asked as he placed a hand on her stomach, her body momentarily glowing with orange light.

Elizabeth had her tendrils snaked out behind Rapture. In one, she still held the dagger she'd used to kill Daniel. "You shouldn't have created something that you can't destroy."

Rapture went to strike her but stopped as she plunged the dagger into his back. He looked into her cold, merciless eyes. "What are you doing, my queen? I thought we were supposed to rule the world together. What you're doing is madness."

Elizabeth didn't seem to hear him. "I'm not a big fan of liars. And you are the biggest deceiver of them all. You made me kill all of these people, and for what?"

Rapture coughed and tried to stand, only to stumble and fall. "They would have been in our way."

Elizabeth drove the dagger deeper. "I want you to suffer. To feel all the pain that I was forced to inflict upon others. You made me kill my par-" she stopped and fell to her knees holding her head, screaming in agony. Rapture pulled himself against the wall. "You're making a mistake. I didn't force you to do anything. I gave you the power to, but everything you did was of your own accord."

Elizabeth darted toward Rapture and ran him through with all six of her tendrils. "Die, you monster!" She ripped out his burning heart and crushed it in her tendril. Rapture's eyes went dark and his body crumbled to dust.

Elizabeth retracted her tendrils and fell to her knees. "James was right. He couldn't have impregnated me. Rapture is the father of my daughter."

"What makes you think that?"

"That night, he placed his hand on my stomach. I thought maybe he was absorbing power from me to recharge himself, but I see now what really happened. Emma was his plan B. He created her in case I turned on him."

Red scanned through Elizabeth's memories. She wasn't lying.

"We need to warn Alex when he gets back. Then we need to take Emma to the Black and White."

Elizabeth launched herself at Red and took him to the ground. "No. They'll kill her. I won't allow it. I'm not going to let you risk her life."

Red roared and Elizabeth was thrown against the far wall.

Lauren screamed as she woke up. Red and Elizabeth turned to her simultaneously. "Please stop fighting. I'm begging you. Please, just stop fighting."

Elizabeth retracted the tendril she'd been planning to strike Red with.

Red's glowing green eyes dimmed, becoming gold once again.

Tamara ran out of the guest room, Emma screaming in her arms. She rocked her back and forth, attempting to quiet her, yet she continued to scream.

"I think she's hungry, Liz."

Elizabeth dusted herself off and took her daughter from Tamara. "I have some baby formula in the car. Could you fetch it for me, Ricardo?"

Red grumbled to himself as he walked to their car. He needed to make her see sense. There may be a way to remove all traces of the demon from her daughter, yet she was unwilling to cooperate. If she wouldn't take Emma to the Black and White, then Red would bring them to Emma.

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