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Elizabeth groaned as her stomach wound closed and she pulled the tendril out of her leg. Calvin was right. It had been about an hour. Right now, he was cleaning the blood off the infant, whose gender still remained unknown to her. She preferred it that way though.

She sat up and looked over at Calvin, who was working slowly, carefully. "Something wrong, doc?" She asked, jokingly.

Calvin turned around, his face grim. "Good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

"Doesn't matter. Just tell me."

"Good news is that you have a little girl. The bad news is this," he turned the infant to Elizabeth and her eyes widened in horror. She had six visible black spots on her back, just like she had at birth. She also had spots on her arm. One just above her wrists. What could those possibly be?

Calvin handed the baby to her and she cradled her gently.

"For your sake, I hope you teach her how to use those things."

"Does she have them on her arms as well?"

Calvin shrugged. "We won't know until they develop. That could take anywhere between eight and ten years."

Elizabeth pulled the small tufts of red hair out of her baby's face and gulped. "She has horns."

Calvin nodded. "The two stubs on her forehead are indeed horns. I can't say if they'll grow or not, but if your past mistakes have indicated anything, it's worth keeping an eye on."

Elizabeth traced their outline with her index finger and smiled slightly. "How would you feel about babysitting for a little while?"

Calvin shook his head. "No. That child is your responsibility. And Alex can't know about the operation. You need to hurry and leave."

Elizabeth stood and held the baby to her chest. "Fine. I'll take her to Red's house."

Calvin pulled a birth certificate out of his desk drawer. "I'll mail this to the nearest hospital. But I need you to fill it out first. Name, birthdate, etc." Elizabeth handed him the baby and took the paper. She sat in his chair and wrote in the child's name. "Emma Marie Bombarez." She read aloud as she handed the paper to Calvin.

Calvin slid it into an envelope and threw it on the examination table.

"Now get out of here. I have a serum to work on and I can't do that with you two around."

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