Alex versus Agony

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Alex and Corey stood outside Radium headquarters, waiting for a security team to rush through the doors. So far, nothing had happened. They were waiting by the door, and nobody else seemed to care. Alex drew a gun and loaded it with the serum bullets Calvin had supplied him with. "Would you mind telling me what those fancy bullets are for?"

Alex cocked the gun and slid it back into its holster before drawing the other one. "To kill a vampire."

"Vampire? Wait, you're wanting to fight the mafia and Agony at the same time?"

Alex nodded as he donned his mask. "That's the plan."

Corey sighed and drew his sword. "This is a suicide mission, Alexander."

Alex chuckled. "So what if it is? At least I know these fools won't get away unscathed. Victor Frost will know not to mess with that girl. Agony will hopefully die, but if not, I'll teach him the same lesson."

He kicked the door open and fired a shot to catch everyone's attention. "I'm looking for Victor Frost. If you tell me where to find him, then you get to keep your lives. That's the ultimatum."

Dark laughter from the balcony caught his attention. He looked up at the man he presumed to be Victor.

Victor clapped his hands and continued to laugh. "You got balls, Alex. I applaud that. To break down the door and demand I step forward." He descended the staircase as he talked. When he reached the ground floor, he held his right hand up to show him the Hercules ring.

Alex aimed for his head. "You're a sick, demented bastard. You brutalized her!"

Corey drew a throwing knife and spun it on on his finger, waiting for an opportunity to lodge it in Victor's chest.

Victor waved his hand and Agony appeared behind him, his pistols aimed at Alex and Corey. "As you can see, my associate has a bone to pick with you. So, I'll leave you guys to it. If you need me, I'll be upstairs. Have fun, boys." He turned away and ascended the stairs. Alex cursed and aimed at Agony. "I guess you're wanting a rematch?"

Agony laughed. "Quite presumptuous, aren't you? But you're quite correct. You defeated me once when you caught me off guard. I underestimated you this morning. I won't make the same mistake again."

Corey jumped behind a desk as the gunshots started. Through a gap in the woodwork, he could see as Alex and Agony's bullets collided and clattered to the floor.

Alex did his best to hold Agony off with one gun, but he knew he would run out of ammo eventually. He only had four hundred rounds in one gun. After that, he would need to reload. But to do that, he would need to keep Agony distracted. However, that was easier said than done.

Eventually, his and Agony's guns clicked. They were both out of ammo. Agony dropped his and removed his mask so Alex could look into his undead eyes. "Round two, Alex?"

Alex clenched his fists and the building started to shake. Agony laughed and stomped his feet.

Spikes sprouted from the heels of his boots, holding him in place. "I'm not going to fall for that again." He launched himself at Alex.

Alex ducked and slammed Agony against the floor, snapping his neck. He backflipped and planted his heel on Agony's neck. "You outsmarted one trick only to fall for another. That makes you the fool."

Agony laughed. "No. You're the fool." He lunged and sprouted black bone spikes from his knuckles. He drove them into Alex's chest and pinned him against the wall.

Alex watched as his other gun slid across the floor to the desk Corey was hidden behind. He had to hope that Corey thought to use it.

Agony chuckled as he reloaded his pistols before leveling them at Alex's head. "Any last remarks, Bombarez?"

Alex yanked an arm free, spraying blood on Agony's pale face. Agony smiled and licked the blood around his lips. "Delicious. It'll be nice to drain the blood from your body."

He cocked his guns and pressed the barrels against Alex's face. "Sayonara, Alex."

A gunshot rang out and blood went everywhere. Agony stood stock still. Alex opened his eyes and saw Corey laying on the floor, the anti-vampire gun laying at his feet, the barrel smoking.

Agony stepped back and his guns clattered to the floor. He fell to his knees. "What the hell is this?"

Alex pulled himself free and picked up his gun as Corey slid it across the floor. He leveled it at Agony's head. "This is the end of the line, you sadistic bastard." He pulled the trigger and Agony's head burst open, showering Alex and the floor with his blood. He watched as his body crumpled to the floor.

Corey took a deep breath and laid back. "What the hell is in that gun, Alex?"

Alex chuckled and reloaded his other gun. "Fifty caliber mercury tipped tungsten bullets. Adds more weight to the bullet, and as a consequence, adds more recoil." He kicked Agony's guns to Corey as he spoke. Corey picked them up nervously.

"What on earth am I supposed to do with these?"

Alex shrugged and tore off what remained of his coat, throwing the scraps of leather on the floor.

"That's up to you. Let's get this over with where we can leave and get something to eat. I'm starved."

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