14 2 0

Year 2028


@Abandoned Building Nearby

Newton left the building first.. we made love in here. Who would ever imagined I will be making out with my long time crush. Mmm..

*looks around*

This place never left my dream.. what's with this place? It feels like.. something must happen in here but the scene didn't happened. Based on my research.. this building was the first Khetum University, before it was moved to the West.


Dusts are so thick. What is that turbine-like thing? What is it for?
I tried to lift it up but it's so heavy.. it's rusted and brokened.. but if I'll fix this.. maybe I'll found the answer behind my thoughts.


Author's Note•

Hi guys thank you for reading my short story about the special class and the special people who runs the whole story. Keep on following my works for I had something to write for y'all.. I'll be using a different style on writing and I'm working on this Novel... Thank you again!!!

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