Prologue - Another Adventure Begins

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'We have met again Mark....'

"Who... Are you?"

Three stands appeared in front of Mark. One with a shield, a sword, and a staff.

'Do you remember your choices from last time?

The boy looked at the stands with the weapons. "Yes... I do..."

'Well, never forget your'll need them one day,'


Mark stood there staring at the swirling purple portal. His face lit up with excitement. "I- I wasn't... Dre... It did happen! I can go back!" Mark exclaimed feeling so excited that he go to visit Sora again.

Mark heard some noises from behind him. "Hey Mark, what's that sound?"

Mark quickly shut down his console. Mark's big brother, David, came out of his room.

Mark didn't want David to know about his big secret yet. Thankfully Mark shut down the portal before he could see. Although he is his sibling, he doesn't want him to know that he can travel to his video games. "Hey, David! How are you!"

David just stood there looking at Mark.

"You're up to something aren't you," David said bluntly. Mark got irritated that David could read his expressions like a book.

"No...! Why w-why would you think that?!" Mark said, looking rather nervous. David just sighed. "Never mind Mark. Hey, can you watch James for the day? I have to head out for a while, and I don't know when I'll be back,"

Mark doesn't mind watching over his three-year-old brother, but he was really wanting to go visit Sora. 'Maybe I can visit him later,' Mark thought to himself.

"Sure, I can watch over him for a few hours,"

David smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Mark," He walked over to Mark, and hugged his brother. He let go and headed to the door. "I'll see you later, you two play nice, and don't let James eat any of the ice creams in the fridge until later," David said before he left. Mark chuckled "Don't worry David, I won't!" David nodded, was about to close the door, then opened it again. Mark sighed, then looked at him. "And don't think you can eat any, either,"

Mark rolled his eyes, "David!" He yelled. Chuckling, David finally closed the door and left.

James was in his bedroom, taking a nap. Mark didn't want to wake him. When you wake James up from one of his naps, it sends him into a cranky mood for the rest of the day.

So Mark decided he wanted to play more of his game, Kingdom Hearts. "I need to catch up on this story anyways. Can't wait to impress Sora on how much I know!" Mark said with a smile. Despite Sora knowing his a fictional character in his world, he seemed rather interested in it. Most would probably get a little freaked out, -Just the thought of someone watching you- Which was what Roxas mentioned, But Sora's character in this game is always worry-free. "He's just like I know him in the game," Mark thought out loud As he was getting the disc out of the case. Then remembered the moment he had with Sora.

"He kissed me..." He said out loud. "I...d-does he likes me?" Mark figured he did. Why else would he kiss him? "I have this huge crush on him-" Mark blushed at the memory. There was just something magical about that moment. He has had countless crushes on characters from games and movies he found fond of over the years. At first, he thought he was insane, but then he realized it is because most characters have better personalities than real people. He has dated two people before from his school, and they both had the most shittyiest ways.

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