Chapter 1 "The Diner"

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I have never really been a big fan of going skating alone but the person that I usually skate with was too busy ignoring me for her idiot boyfriend. Gosh I hated him, just using her to get better grades in school but she always said that I was just trying to break them apart. I grab pepper spray before leaving and finally leave the apartment to get some fresh air.

I skate down the sidewalk by myself, my hair flowing behind me. I felt pretty powerful on that board, people walking out of my way as I went down the sidewalk to the skatepark. It was a Friday night and most teens were partying so I  hoped it wouldn't be crowded. I arrive to see the only people there were me and a group of four boys.

The boys looked fairly nice, not the kind that would try to touch a girl but I still kept my distance. I skated around for a few minutes messing up nearly every trick because I had too much on my mind. I mess up an Ollie, something that I could do in my sleep and take a pretty rough fall.

"Fuck" I yell as I look to see blood dripping down my hand

"Hey you alright?" I see one of the boys coming over to me. He was the shortest of the boys but still a few inches taller than me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say getting up and picking up my board. My hand really hurt but I couldn't show I was weak.

"Why are you here all alone?" Usually this would be a creepy question but he didn't ask it in a creepy way. He actually seemed worried.

"I just got into a fight with my friend and I needed some air. We usually skate together and without her I feel like I'm messing up everything!" You sit down on a bench and he sits next to you.

"Don't worry about it everyone has bad days. Even I do and I'm like the best skater alive" He had a nice sense of humor. He holds out his hand. "The names Jack"

"Y/n" you shake his hand forgetting your hand was bleeding. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I completely forgot!"

"It's fine just a bit of blood" Jack wipes his hand on the ground and holds it up "See? All clean!"

I laugh "that's not sanitary at all!"

"Hey five second rule!" He shrugs

I laugh again "I don't think that's how it works but sure" I look over to see the other boys looking at Jack and I. "Who are those guys?" I ask Jack

"Oh those people are my friends we call ourselves the V team. The tallest one with the curly brown hair and the beanie is Finn. The one next to him with the ramen noodle looking hair is Wyatt and the last one is Jaeden." He explains

"I think that they are annoyed that you are talking to me, you can go back over there if you want-" He cuts me off

"Are you kidding me? They are not looking at us they are looking at you. They forced me to come over here..." he explains

"Oh" I should have known he was forced, usually people aren't this nice to me.

"Yeah they actually wanted me to invite you with us to that diner across the street. They didn't want to leave you here alone. Even Finn cared and he's the most emotionless person I know" he jokes

"Sure I'll come! It's not like I have anything better to do anyways." It was true I had nothing to do and Jack seemed nice so the others should be. I needed friends at the moment anyways. I wasn't nervous until we finally reached them. They were all giants, especially Finn towering over me with his long legs. "Hey guys!" I shyly wave

"Hey! I'm assuming you said yes?" The one with the curly hair asked. I think his name is Wyatt.

"Duh she said yes. Or she wouldn't be over here now come on let's go, I'm starving" Finn said. Wow everyone seemed so nice. Even Jaeden who seemed shy but he still smiled. Finn was just rude, not even letting me answer a question that Wyatt asked or get to know them. You walk between Wyatt and Jack. They were the most friendly of the group.

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