Chapter 9

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Trigger warning! :

Mentions of

Innapropriate touching




Kokichi's past life

Past Kokichi's POV

Mommy's new boyfriend is weird.

He wouldn't stop touching me or nii-chan weirdly and hit us or yell at us if we do anything like try to push him away or tell him to stop.

He says he loves us like we're his own kids but I know he's lying, he always hits us, touches us, and yells at us.

I even heard weird stuff coming from nii-chan's room and when I checked his room.

Nii-chan was crying covering himself with a blanket and scratching his arms, and his room reeked of a weird smell.

I covered my mouth and nose and went up to nii-chan.

I got to see what was on him and it looked like....milk?

"Nii-chan?...what happened to you?"

I touched him and he jumped and hissed at me causing me to flinch, when he saw it was me he calmed down.

"K-Kokichi please don't touch me yet.."

"Okay nii-chan?..."

"Please get out of the room..I need to shower.."



I sighed and left his room wondering why he didn't want me to touch him or why he was crying.

Day by day nii-chan got weirder.

He now slept in my room and stayed up late and when I asked why? He just said 'To protect myself and you from him'

I didn't understand who him was, but I got a feeling it might've been mommy's boyfriend.

A few years later

I had fallen in depression ever since he...


He did an unforgivable act on me, and since then I hated my body and understood why nii-chan was crying years ago.

He was raped by the man who mom loved and trusted despite being abused and shamed, and now that I am 10 he did that horrible deed to me.

I hate him, I hate my body, I hate life, it was never fair to me, nii-chan, or mom.

I wanted to just end it all but my brother is just..someone who made me want to stay in this horrible world.

Despite that asshole rapist's abuse and rape he did to him, he still managed to smile through it and say 'Maybe he'll change one day!'.

Tch, one day my ass. I know that asshole just uses us as his toys, and even if he does change I won't forgive that asshole easily.


Present Kokichi's POV

Why the hell do I get these weird dreams?

Am I remembering something in the past?

Whatever I can ask Saihara about this.

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