Chapter 10

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3rd person POV

Kokichi walked out of Shuichi's room just in time for Monokuma's trial announcement went off.

Kokichi walked to where the rest were and hugged Shuichi's arm causing him to turn red and pull his hat down.

Kaede noticed and chuckled a bit before her hair got pulled by Miu who was trying to braid it, failing miserably in the process.

Himiko gave them a sad look since she found herself to be attracted to Kokichi's calm, mysterious, yet oblivious nature but she brushed it off and told herself maybe it's just because Kokichi was closest to Shuichi.

Tenko noticed and started to try cheering Himiko up succesfully making her giggle causing Tenko to have a lesbian panik.

Soon the elevator showed up so they all walked in cautiously and for the rest of the time they went down they were pretty much silent, the only you could hear is Miu fussing over trying to braid Kaede's hair.

Once the door opened they all headed for their podiums and started to discuss stuff about the murder.

Kokichi couldn't really say anything since he was asleep and didn't have much to help with the case besides seeing a long strand of dark black hair.

He wasn't paying attention till Shuichi said 'No that's wrong!' And started to argue woth Kaede.

Kokichi got confused again, why the heck are they yelling at each other?.

Kaede lost the argument before a debate started on wether she's innocent or not.

The people who believes she was innocent were :


Tsumugi ( Oh really now Smoothie? )






And of course herself.

The people who didn't believe she was innocent were :







And Kaito.

They argued for a bit, Kokichi saw through Kaede's lies and argued back at her, she was an extremely bad liar.

Finally Shuichi proved she wasn't innocent and summarized the case, and he was right.

Kaede was Rantaro's culprit.

Kiibo looked betrayed, angry, and horrified.

Miu gave her a heartbroken and shocked look.

Shuichi and the rest besides Maki and Kokichi gave her sympathethic looks while she admitted she thought he was the mastermind since Shuichi thought so and she trusted him, or trusted his detective skills that proved that it can't always be depended on.

Out of nowhere, Kokichi walked up to her and gave her a hug and told her.

"Stop crying, you're making me want to hug and comfort?... you till you're okay and it's weird."

Kaede smiled slightly and wiped her tears returning the hug before Kokichi returned to his podium and looked at the floor.

"Is it voting time already!?~ I mean she admitted right? Kinda boring if you ask me!"

They all nodded and pressed her icon.

And just like that they were correct.

( pretend it's beta Kaede- in the next chapter I'll show you all the designs I picked since they kinda have several ^^; )

Everyone helplessly had to watch her suffer for 8 hours and when she finally bowed her head and died the piano cover was about to crash on her before Monodam kicked Monokid there and got destroyed as the large spike crushed Kaede.

Everyone gloomily went to the elevator, some crying, spacing out, and literally not caring.

Kokichi looked over at Shuichi and hugged him trying to comfort Shuichi.


This was really messy since I am currently quite tired and I am supposed to be studying tomorrow and quite stressed lol-

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