Chapter 2, Welcome to Robert's Life.

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Robert Johnson woke up in his bed with his husband next to him, smiling and texting some other person. Robert felt dread remembering the times he used to cheat on him, he felt bad. He went and looked in his kid Big Bird's room. He was 30 and still lived there. Robert wondered if they would ever leave. 

"Big Bird, what are you doing?" He asked politely.

 "I'm signing up for a show called Sesame Street!" Big Bird said happily.

 "That's very nice" Robert responded.

Robert went to go make breakfast for the family, watching Mark try to escape through the door.

"What do you think your doing?" Robert yelled to Mark.

 "Oh, I'm just going to the store." Mark said quickly.

 "Alright honey." Robert sighed.

 Mark walked out the door and Robert sat at the table thinking about his past. Is this how all the people he wronged felt? He had lived for so long and never realized what he had done. He was waiting to outlive Mark to start dating again. 

Robert always had the feeling Mark was cheating on him, but he has recently started to suspect it more and more over time. Robert shouldn't be upset, he did the exact same thing to Mark while they were in the dating stage.

Robert sat there for a minute. Then, he was interrupted by Big Bird stomping down the stairs. Big Bird hit their head on the roof and most likely got a bit more brain damage than they already had beforehand. 

"Finally decided to get out of your room?" Robert asked.

"Yeah, I have to get to the audition for Sesame Street!" Big Bird responded happily. 

"Eat first, you need energy. You need to perform as best as possible, it's Sesame Street they are serious about who they let on their show." Robert responded.

Robert stood up to get some bird seed for Big Bird from the cabinet, pouring it into a bird feeder. Robert handed it to Big Bird. 

"I'll just eat this on the way there." Big Bird said.

"Yeah, don't lose it." Robert responded.

Robert watched Big Bird go flying out the window in the kitchen. Hopefully they would get home safely from their audition. 

The phone starts ringing, Robert runs over to answer it. Picking up the phone, not checking to who was calling.

"Hello?" Robert asked.

No answer. 

A/N: Funny cliffhanger. Special thanks to my friend for writing a good part of the story. All I did was edit and add a bit. 

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