Chapter 8, A Savior

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There was a savior.

The savior was Big Bird, the real Big Bird.

Big Bird was starting to beat up Mark and threw him into the cannon and watched him get shot into the wall.

Mark tumbled down the stairs. 

Big Bird jumped down and continued to fight Mark.

Big Bird has a robotic metal arm and shot Mark through the window and out into the middle of the street.

With the whole neighborhood watching the battle between Mark and Robot Big Bird.

The real battle began.

Big Bird was able to chop Mark's arm off with a chainsaw he took from the neighbor's shed. Sorry about the chainsaw Ted.

Big Bird was winning.

Bird Big punched Mark into the ground and they opened a portal to hell. 

Mark fell in and now is partying with Satan.

Big Bird rushed to aid Robert after he perished.

Big Bird used his last chance at life to save Robert.

Giving Robert their own life.

Big Bird  melted into dust and perished then and there.

Robert woke up at the later time in total confusion, but he later learned from Leonardo what happened during the battle of Big Bird and Mark. 

They had a funeral for Big Bird and his ashes sit in an urn on the family mantle in the living room now. 

Thank you for your sacrifice Big Bird.

A/N: Big Bird deserves better.

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