Chapter 3, An Old Friend.

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"Oh hey Robert, long time no see." A voice said.

"Leonardo, is it really you?" Robert responded, he recognized the voice.

"Yes Robert, I survived the 1500s after figuring out how to live forever. I use a different name obviously but it's been fun living for these past few years." Leonardo said.

"I knew you were smart but not that smart, holy heck man!" Robert responded with excitement.

"Robert, can I ask something of you?" Leonardo asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Robert responded.

"I kind of don't have a place to stay. I saw your number in the phone book and thought I would give you a call. It's been a while anyways." Leonardo said.

"Sure, I welcome anyone to stay as long as they ask." Robert responded.

"Thanks!" Leonardo exclaimed. 

"Oh yeah, I need an address. Can you give me it?" Leonardo asked.

"Oh yeah sure, we live on 13 Stupid Street. You are going to have to bunk with Mark and I's child Big Bird as we don't have any other spare rooms in the house." Robert said.

"Oh yeah sure that's fine as long as I have room to make random inventions it's totally cool. I'mon my way right now." Leonardo said.

Leonardo hung up the phone.

 As soon as he did Robert ran upstairs to clean up Big Bird's room to make it presentable for Leonardo. Why did Robert want to make a good impression for Leonardo. It's not like he's a new person to be around, they've known each other since the 1500s. Robert hoped Big Bird and Mark wouldn't mind a new roommate. Well, Big Bird welcomes people with open arms most of the time so it wouldn't really matter to them. But Mark may not be that willing to accept someone else living under their room. Would it matter, Mark is cheating on Robert he deserves some sort of punishment for his actions. About an hour later the doorbell rang, Robert bolted down the stairs. He almost hit his head the same way Big Bird did that morning.

Robert opened the door to see Leonardo.

"Buddy long time no see, come in!" Robert exclaimed.

Leonardo stepped into his new residence. Taking it all in. Robert guided Leonardo upstairs to his new room. Robert opened the door as they entered.

"Like it?" Robert asked.

"Yeah, I do. Well I can't ask for much considering it's your house." Leonardo responded.

"You have a family now?" Leonardo asked.

"Yeah, I have four children and a husband. I might have a bunch of other kids along the way. Who knows, I had tons of affairs." Robert replied


"Interesting." Leonardo said while setting his suitcase on the bed.

"Oh yeah, I'll leave you to unpack. Just come to the living room once you're done. We really need to catch up on the last 500 years." Robert said while exiting the room.

"Yeah!" Leonardo responded as soon as the door shut.

Leonardo started to unpack his suitcase, taking everything in.

A/N: Radical monkey. Welcome Leonardo Da Vinci. 

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