Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Trapped

December 14, 2150 (17 Days left)

Izuku was tired. Too tired. The activity he won with Ochaco made him fatigued and also made him rest. Not training. But he wouldn't forget to stretch. He almost cracked his back when someone was shouting from the other side of his door.

"Midoriya!!!!" Kaminari begged his help. He was in a bit of trouble down his end

"Kaminari? Why are you awake? I thought he's still sleeping at this time.

" Let me in Midoriya please? Kaminari was begging for mercy just to go into his dorm.

"Why?" Izuku asked him

"It's a emergency." Kaminari was lying. Kind of

"Really? Then why choose me?" Izuku was interrogating him

"Just let me in." Kaminari just wanted to talk to him

"Fine....." Izuku got annoyed and he let him in anyway.

"Thaaank Yooouuu!!!" Kaminari waa glad he would accept his request.

"Now what is it? I'm busy." Izuku was going to make this quick

"Well I'm trying to find a gift for my secret santa." Kaminari said to him. Even though he has to deal with it himself.

"Ok? Then who is your secret santa?" Izuku asked to see who his Secret Santa was

"Are you sure? We aren't supposed to say who is who right?" Kaminari knew that rule

"Exactly." Izuku said to him

"Fine.... I'll leave. I'll just ask for Uraraka's help." Her name made Izuku a bit Jealous.

"Fine.... I'll help you." Izuku didn't want him near her. He's still a pervert afterall.

"Yay!!!" Kaminari is glad

"It's Jirou isn't it?" Izuku was taking a good guess.

"W-what do you mean? Of course it's not her." Kaminari was lying.

"Well, assuming your attitude I'm guessing it's Jirou." Izuku was acting smart towards him

"Yeah.... Its her." Kaminari admitted

"Ok then, what did she want?" Izuku was helping him so he wouldn't be bothered by him that much.

"Hey!!! Since you figured out my Secret Santa, then who's yours huh?" Kaminari was pointing him. Wanting him to repay him back.

"Well. It's now or never." Izuku said to himself

"Hm? I can stay here all day until you say your-"

"Its Uraraka-san." Izuku blurted on purpose. Revealing his secret towards Kaminari

"Ey. You got the big bo-" Kaminari's pervertive side mafe Izuku blush

"Ok that's enough. I-I don't wanna talk about that." Izuku was flustered as heck

"Hm. Fair enough." Kaminari accepted his warning

"Just don't tell anyone our secret santas okay?" Izuku was reminding him not to do it.

"Yeah yeah i won't." Kaminari might not keep his promise. But let's see.

"Anyways, what does she want?" Izuku asked him on what his goal is.

"She wants a cellphone." Kaminari said to him. Overconfidently.

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