ハンター試験パート十三 | The Hunter Exam Part 13

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After what seems like forever, the fifty hours is finally over.

"Okay, I'm ready to go!" Gon exclaims, stretching. 

"One more minute," Kurapika states.

"This one minute's taking forever, huh?" Leorio says.

Finally, the door opens, Gon and (Y/N) running in.

"Wait for us you guys!" Leorio shouts.

After thirty minutes of running, the group is back in the same platform area. Tonpa, Leorio, and Kurapika are slightly our of breath while Gon, Killua, and (Y/N) are just fine.

"Thirty minutes of running and we're right back where we started," Leorio complains.

"Didn't I tell you we should have taken the stairs down," Killua replies coolly.

"This is the rule we all agreed upon so why don't you shut the hell up!!!" Leorio shouts back.

After a series of um, interesting events, the group finally makes it to a door.

"Man, I'm all covered in dust," Killua whines.

"Damn, only an hour left. If we don't hurry we'll never make it!" Leorio exclaims. "We're supposed to vote on whether to open the door? We need to move on, so the choice is pretty clear."

Everyone presses their buttons, the results showing up on the screen. 'O5' 'X1'. Immediately, Leorio grows tick marks, turning to Tonpa. He grabs his collar, pulling him up to his face. 

"I've had enough of your crap!" He accuses. 

"What are you talking about? I pressed O too!"

"Don't lie to me! Sabotaging our chances is your freakin' specialty!"

"Sorry Leorio," Gon speaks up. "I accidentally pressed the wrong button."

"Fine, I see how it is," Leorio says, letting go of Tonpa.

"Hold on. I think you owe me an apology. You think I'm just gonna let that slide?" Tonpa asks.

"Maybe if you weren't always doing shady stuff that kind of thing wouldn't happen. I don't owe you a thing," Leorio responds.

"Almost sounds like you're trying to blame me for everything that's gone wrong," Tonpa spits back.

"What's that?!"

"Don't tell me, have you already forgotten who it was that cost us those fifty hours? If memory serves, I'm pretty sure that honor goes to you."

Leorio makes a sound of anger. 

"Leorio calm down," Kurapika tries to calm him down, grabbing onto Leorio's arm, but he brushes it off.

"Shut up Kurapika!" Kurapika sighs as Leorio sets his briefcase down, getting into a fighting stance, Tonpa doing the same. 

"Come on guys, knock it off! I'm the one who pressed the wrong button so it's my fault!" Gon pleads.

"This is stupid, I'm going on ahead," Killua comments, walking through the door. (Y/N) looks to and from Leorio to Tonpa, looking nervous. She didn't want them to fight, though if they did she would definitely be rooting for Leorio.

"Killua don't go!" Gon shouts. 

Killua peeks his head back through the door, an excited look on his face. "Hey Gon, (Y/N)! We must be getting real close to the end!"

"Woah, really??" Gon asks excitedly.

Everyone walks through the door, only to find two more doors. One was marked 'x' and the other, 'o'. 

Longing Through The Silence [Hunter x Hunter x KNY! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now