Chapter One

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The hallways were cold as George passed through the empty corridors of his high school. No students were around, seeing as school hadn't yet begun. The unsettling feeling of silence whirled around the brunette as he sped past the countless rows of blue lockers.

Although it was nearly always unnerving to be almost completely alone in a dimly lit school, George was only really here to spend some casual alone time with his best friends. The computer lab he was currently on his way to normally sat empty, unbothered by anyone except George and his two friends, who he suspected to be already sat in front of their computers, starting up Minecraft.

George hastily approached the door to the computer lab, fumbling with his stack of books before finally pushing the door open. He was immediately greeted by a smiling boy who exclaimed with happiness.

"George!" The boy threw his arms into the air, waiting for a response.

"Hey, Dream," George smiled lightly, waving a hand which was partially hidden behind a hoodie sleeve.

"I have Minecraft ready, if that's what you want to do," Dream was incredibly giddy, having not seen his friend since before spring break.

"That's fine. Where's Sapnap?" George pulled one of the stools towards himself setting down the cluster of books in his hands onto the table before placing himself atop the stool.

"He said he wouldn't be here until later, remember?"


"I'm sure you remember. He reminded us over Team Speak last night,"

In an attempt to remember any information about his friend's absence, he is reminded of a moment when he was completely zoned out, only able to focus on the way Dream had laughed at his joke, and how it made chills run directly down George's spine, releasing butterflies into his stomach.

'It was too late for me to possibly be thinking straight.' George immediately made an excuse for thinking about Dream in that mannerism and slightly shook his head, hoping to send the thoughts flying into oblivion.

The room was sent into a neither comfortable, nor uncomfortable silence, the only sound being the clicking of computer mice and keyboards. As they progressed from game to game of Bed Wars, the boys only became progressively angrier as they lost nearly every game they had attempted in the past half hour or so.

The sound of a door clicking made both boys jump, Dream nearly falling off the chair he was in.

"Good morning, Mr. Hallman," George was quick to greet the teacher as Dream attempted to collect himself and the stack of papers he had sent flying while attempting to shift himself back into the seat he had recently been perched upon.

"George. Dream. How are you boys this morning?" The teacher greeted each boy separately as he did nearly every morning. His mustache was lifted upwards as he flashed a toothy grin towards the boys sat in the back row of desktops.

"I believe we're doing well," The conversation was continued by George, as Dream sat quietly beside him, finally done with the mess he had previously gotten himself into.

"That's fantastic!" Mr. Hallman noticed he had reacted far too ecstatically and calmed his tone before continuing, "What did you two do over the break?"

"Nothing much. We really just played a lot of Minecraft and sat on calls most nights," Dream finally spoke up, ready to ramble on about his spring break.

Dream continued to talk about nearly every aspect of his spring break, forgetting to let anyone else speak. Completely mesmerized, George let his gaze wonder to Dream's lips as he spoke rapidly.

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