Chapter Three

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The air was frigid and it became very apparent to George as he walked through the dark streets, without a coat. His teeth chattered, but he pushed on, only stopping when he was nearing the park entrance.

He took a deep breathe and looked around.

Finally, George spotted him.

There was Dream with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his signature green hoodie, eyes sparkling in the moonlight, just as they had in George's dream.

It was a beautiful sight, but it was ruined when Dream noticed George just standing there.

Dream ushered the other over to him, and began to walk as well, meeting him halfway, just under a large oak tree.

George made no attempt to speak, instead making himself comfortable on the soft grass below the tree. There was a light pink covering his cheeks, but he pushed it aside, blaming it on the chilly air.

Taking notice to George's cold state, Dream pulled off his hoodie and offered it the shivering boy.

'How cliché,' He thought as he took Dream's sweatshirt from him.

Due to the obvious height difference, the hoodie was far too large and he stifled a laugh as he adjusted his hands in the hoodie, so they would actually appear.

"Why are we here so late?" George finally broke the silence that he had been previously enjoying.

"I wanted to talk," A shade of pink across Dream's cheeks made George look away immediately, thinking he has made the boy uncomfortable.

He was startled to feel a hand meet his jawline, causing his head to be turned back towards the blonde's, there faces closer than they had ever been before.

They sat there for a moment, both taking in the other's features. Suddenly, Dream spoke, dropping his hand from George's face and angling his own gaze away so that it was now facing the jungle gym in front of them.

"Something happened," George seemed confused, so Dream continued, "at home. My mom isn't very happy with me currently and I didn't really have anywhere else to turn,"

As if sensing the pity in George's gaze, he spoke yet again.

"It wasn't that bad. I just need a place to stay for a few days until it's all cleared up,"

George didn't speak for some time, as if searching for the correct words.

"Do you want to stay with me?" He said the words quieter than intended, almost whispering.

"That's kind of what I was hoping you would say," Dream's hand went to the back of his head and he leaned against the tree behind him.

"You can stay for tonight, but I'll need to talk to my mum tomorrow," George copied Dream's movement and rested against the tree as well.

They sat there for awhile, the silence which had become so common between the two returning.

It was all so peaceful and it made George happy. A smile crept its way onto his lips and he looked up at the stars. His thoughts were interrupted by a comforting voice.

"It's a full moon,"

"Yeah. It's pretty," George's smile returned, even bigger this time.

"Not as pretty as you," Dream turned his head towards George, clearly hiding a laugh.

"I'm not pretty. I'm handsome," He was blushing profusely and proceeded to hide his face behind the long sleeves that were already hiding his hands.

"That too," Dream finally laughed, but it was only a short one.

A gust of wind picked up a leaf and blew it across the park. As George watched it, he felt a hand on his own and he turned towards Dream. Dream only swallowed and hid his blush by turning to face the opposite direction.

George laughed and then wrapped his hand around Dream's, giving it a squeeze of reassurance.


"What's Dream doing here?"

George rubbed his eyes and yawned as he made his way downstairs, having forgot that his mum hadn't yet been informed of the presence of the guest who was trailing behind him, equally as tired.

"Oh," George turned to make eye contact with Dream and he got a small nod in response. "Something happened at his house and he needed a place to stay for a few days. It won't be long,"

There was a platter of fruit set on the counter as well as a large pile of toast.

"That's fine with me," She turned her attention towards Dream who was still standing by the stairs, "Dream, you're welcome here anytime," She smiled, assuring the boy that he wasn't a bother.

"Thank you,"

George made his way to the kitchen, pulling his friend along behind him. He practically pounced on the food, causing Dream to laugh.

"Mum, my toast is cold," He whined.

"Should have gotten up earlier!"

"Maybe you should just get up later. Seriously, who wakes up at 5 am?"

"Someone who plans on being productive," She retorted, a smirk finding its way to her face.

George sighed and placed two pieces of toast back into the toaster, wanting to heat them back up.

"You're going to burn them," Dream nudged George.

"I am not!"

"Why are you such a baby in the mornings?"

"I am not a baby! Everyone's just really annoying,"

"Whatever you say, baby," The remark was meant to be an insult, but it only sent a blush to each of their cheeks, causing George's mum to laugh.

"What's so funny?" George questioned.

"Just something on the television,"

"The tv isn't even on,"

"Oh! Did I say tv? I meant phone," She quickly stood, making her way to the laundry room, "Got to go do some laundry,"

George furrowed his brows before turning back towards the toaster. It was then that both pieces of bread popped up, almost completely black.

"Told you so," Dream had set himself on the counter and was singing his legs.

"It'll be fine," George made his way to the trash can where he used a knife to scrape off some of the charred bread crumbs from the top of his toast- if you could call it that.

He smeared butter all over the top, presumably to rid it of some of the burnt taste. After taking the first bite, he made a face of disgust which made Dream laugh yet again.

'Mornings with Dream are the best,' George propped his head on his hand and smiled sweetly in Dream's direction.

Dream looked at George and smiled as well, pulling George out of his trance-like state.

After finally finishing breakfast, the two boys grabbed their bags and rushed towards the high school, already late to meet Sapnap in the computer lab.



Word Count: 1052

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