Chapter Two

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"Oh, come on now,"

The sound of high-pitched screaming and protesting came from George's side of the mic as Dream swung his sword once more at the block character in front of him.

"Dream, I'm gonna die!" George's comment didn't keep his friend from attacking and in the end, George's expensive belongings were scattered across the bottom of a ravine.

"I told you not to touch my stuff!" The sentence came out as no more than a jumble of words, seeing as Dream could barely speak through his own wheezing.

'User has joined your channel,' A robotic voice spoke over the consistent laughing and yelling that was flooding the call.

"What are you two doing?" Almost immediately, cheers of excitement were erupting from Sapnap's headset as he sat, waiting for an answer.

"We're playing Minecraft," The answer to Sapnap's original question was finally given, as the former excitement came to a close, "and Dream just killed me,"

"I bet you deserved it," Sapnap teased.

"I did not!"

"You totally did," Dream's voice finally broke through the conversation as he laughed.

"Whatever," The other two could already imagine the brunette with his arms crossed over his chest and the same pouty face that he always made when he became frustrated.

The group ended up messing around on Dream's SMP until finally, George was told he had to go eat dinner with his family, seeing as it was his mother's birthday.

"I'll be on later!" George assured the group as his mouse hovered over the button to leave the call.

"Bye~" Dream and Sapnap's voices blended together as they practically fought over who could say bye the loudest and the longest, Sapnap finally giving in and letting Dream win.

George finally left the calling, laughing, and headed down the stairs towards the kitchen. His house was slightly chilly, so as soon as he was all the way downstairs, he grabbed a hoodie hanging on the banister.

The kitchen was filled with banter, so he headed in that direction.

Just as expected, there were multiple boxes of pizza set up and his family was surrounding them, laughing at one another's jokes and sharing how their days had gone.

George slipped into a conversation with his younger sister, seeing an opportunity to tease her about her and her boyfriend.

Dinner came and went and eventually it was time for his mum to blow out the candles on her store-bought cake.

As the birthday song came to a wrap, George's younger sister spoke up, "What's your wish?"

"Well," She looked to George suspiciously, "I wish that George would admit his feelings for Dream and save us all," His family laughed, but he only choked.

"W-What?!" George was practically yelling and his expression was one of pure shock, which seemed to send his family into even more laughter.

"I'm only kidding, George. I wish for my entire families happiness," She smirked, "Not just yours."

George playfully smacked her in the shoulder and faced away from his family, clearly blushing.

'Why do I have to make it so painfully obvious?' He mentally smacked himself before turning back towards his family and joining in on the currently political conversation his entire family was invested in.


Seeing as the party was over, George made the trip back to his room and over to his computer. He was somewhat excited to see Dream and Sapnap sitting in a video call. He quickly joined, placing his headset over his ears and situating his webcam before finally turning it on.

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