Chapter 1

6.6K 233 52

Jimin is 28
Jungkook is 19

(i would listen to how by the neighborhood while reading this for effect haha)

Word count: 756

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The heavy steps of black YSL Chelsea boots followed by two slightly less prominent steps walking towards the door were the only sound's heard in the all-white corridor, as they exited the building the leader stopped to take a fresh breath of the cool winter air as he light up a dark green American spirit cigarette.

"The gold item has been loaded and is ready for departure Mr. Park," said one of the guards he had just exited the building with. "Mkay, thanks double B" (ifykyk) Jimin replied, a smirk plastered on his face after suddenly being reminded of his new purchase. Usually, Jimin doesn't purchase anything at the auctions, whether it be because none of the items peak his interest or because he just doesn't feel like spending his hard-earned millions on a drugged up skank. Today though, he doesn't really care if the doe-eyed boy he shared an intense stare with just an hour earlier was a whore, yet he highly doubts the innocent-looking boy had even ever kissed someone, those eyes told him so.

He chuckled to himself thinking about being the cute boy's first as he opened the passenger door and slid into the warmth of the preheated car, his bestie, and personal chauffeur Seokjin waiting for him in the driver's seat.

"You usually don't buy anything" the broad-shouldered man stated as Jimin settled in his seat, "yeah well..." he muttered as he turned to get a look at the sleeping boy in the backseat, still chained by the arms and legs to prevent escape. Jimin shrugged but smirked again as he turned to face the road again, "his face is too fuckable" he casually said, "I want to ruin him". Seokjin just scoff-chuckled and drove off.


Silk, soft expensive silk is what Jungkook awoke in, groggily and confused the boy sat up in what seemed to be a queen size bed with black silk sheets softer than anything he had ever touched before.

"Huh? What the- ugh!" he groaned as soon as he sat up finally feeling the massive headache caused by being knocked out several times and drugged to no extent. After getting used to the pain he opened his eyes again and scanned the room he was in, the queen bed with black silk, two nightstands on either side with modernly designed lamps identical on each side, the floor seemed to be dark brown wood with a white fur rug placed in the middle. There was a fireplace directly across from him illuminated by a small crackling fire, making the modern room feel a bit cozier.

The faint smell of tobacco and mint knocked him back into reality as he got up from the bed at lightning speed, "what the fuck? Where the fuck?" Many thoughts ran through his pretty head, confused and now energized by the adrenaline in his body he ran to the door only to realize it was locked. He struggled with it for a while before giving up and sliding down the door on his back until he had curled in a ball of comforting sadness, his eyes watered as he tried to recall what had happened.

He remembers going home- no he was on this way home, but then after that? Nothing. "Fuck" "remember Jungkook remember!" he spoke to himself while lightly hitting his head, he wondered why he was locked in a room so modern and expensive looking. Was his kidnapper bad and boujee or something?

It wasn't until a while later when he saw the glass of water accompanied by what seemed to be a pain killer and a note, Jungkook didn't hesitate to take the pill and chug the water hoping it would help his tremendous headache. He tried to ignore the note, scared of what its contents might contain but his curiosity got the best of him and he picked it up to examine it, it read:

take this when you wake, will help with the comedown. - Park

Comedown? Jungkook thought, what comedown?

Oh fuck, was he drugged? Is that why his head hurt so goddamn much? Because he was drugged? Who would even drug-

Before he could finish his thought the signature caught his attention, - Park

Park? Jungkook tried to remember where he had heard the name before, pondering for a few moments before the memories hit him like a ton of bricks, those eyes that stared at him, almost yellow, and the sentence recited before his memories disappear again.

"Sold", "Mr. Park", "10 Million."

"Oh no," he barely managed to mutter.


Hiiii sorry this isn't that long but here's the first chapter 😝 sorry if it's bad but uhm lmk if y'all like this? And if ur taking finals rn like me good luck!! - da baddest b more commonly known as author

P.s. dark green American cigs are mint falvoured if u didn't know ;)

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