Chapter 2

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[Song for the chapter: greetings from California - the neighborhood]

Word count: 904

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He's awake. He could feel it, he could also hear it, the distant raddle of the doorknob, the almost silent cries. Jimin sighed.

The cutie he had bought slept for almost 24 hours and was currently locked in the guest bedroom, but upon hearing that he had awoken, Jimin decided it was time they introduced themselves.... "properly," he thought aloud with a smirk as he made his way to the room, key in hand.

He stuck the key in and unlocked the door swiftly, as if to not waste any more time. The boy sat on the rug with his head hung low in his hands, sniffles could be heard from his button nose. His head shot up at the sounds of jimin entering and locking the door behind him, himself now locked inside as well, jimin observed the boy's face: blotchy and eyes puffy.

Jimin tsked and walked toward him, the boy instantly moving back until his back hit the wall, yet jimin stopped where the boy once sat and made no effort to get closer.

"Why do you cry baby boy?" he asked tilting his head and pouting condescendingly, the boy didn't answer for a few moments before speaking softly to jimin yet disregarding the question, "where am I? Who are y-you?" He stuttered, clearly intimidated by the tall man with silver hair dressed head to toe in all black.  (bs&t type hair)

"Cute" Jimin thought aloud once again causing the boy against the wall to slightly stiffen, Jimin stared at him for a while, as if observing a rare specimen.

"Who are you?!" the boy asked again a little more forcefully this time, but Jimin ignored him. Instead the elder tilted his head to the other side in thought.

"You look like a bunny"

The tips of the boy's ears went red.

"What's your name conejito?"

"I asked you first," the bunny boy replied, tone somewhat venomous, but Jimin liked that he was acting all bold and feisty.

"Fine" Jimin exhaled, "if the bunny will tell me their name I might do the same in return" he smiled again, yet it was more of a half smirk half smile. The boy didn't say anything for a few seconds, just stared back into the eyes that had been observing him but broke eye contact soon after.

"My name is Jeon Jeongkook."


The first thing Jungkook saw when he looked back at his buyer was the tattoo. He has a snake tattoo, the head of the reptile wrapped around his neck and traveled all the way down to his right hand where the tail lay visible on his knuckle. He thought it was a beautiful tattoo, even if it was on the strangely attractive and smug man who literally bought him at a fucking auction. Quickly, he looked away embarrassed for thinking such things.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook"

Jungkook watched as the man with the large tattoo smiled at him, causing his heart to pump his blood in and out just a little bit faster. 

"Nice to meet you kookie, I've never had a pet before so this should be fun" he said, still smiling.

"Pet?" Jungkook questioned genuinely confused, "yes, pet, you are my new baby bunny after all" the man cooed at him. Jungkook just looked at him eyes wide, he didn't expect to be treated like this by the man who had claimed him like property.

"Since I'm here now let's go over the rules shall we?" he asked rhetorically, "one: stop crying it will only make things worse, two: don't try and leave this room, once you've shown me you are a good boy I will let you into the house but for now this is where you stay, three: show me some respect or there will be consequences, say please and thank you and refer to me as sir and we will be just fine "ok?" "ok." he replied to himself, answering his own question.

He got up and walked toward the entrance, "don't worry bunny I'll bring you all three meals and make sure you are well cared for" he said back to Jungkook.


"Yes conejito?"

"Can u at least tell me your name? I told you mine.." Jungkook asked, hoping to get at least that much information out of the attractive man.

"Use your manners and I might tell you" he replied now facing him. Jungkook knew it was to humiliate him but he was desperate for any information he could get.

"May I know your name please?" He asked politely.

Jimin raised his brow

"May I know your name please?" Jungkook asked the man again but this time adding a quiet "sir" to the end.

"Good boy" the man said.

"It's Mr.Park, or Park Jimin, but you will call me sir" he said before slipping out into the hall and locking the door once again.

Jungkook hated that he could feel warmth in his cheeks.

Mr. Park had left him alone in the room, along with many unanswered questions and a flushed face. He also happened to leave the light, lingering scent of mint mixed with what smelled like tabaco.


(AN: Conejito means little bunny/rabbit in Spanish let's j pretend jimin knows Spanish ok 😭 wrote this at 3am sorry for any typos)

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