Chapter 3

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[Song of the chapter: sweater weather - The neighborhood]

Word count: 677

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The second time Jimin came into Jungkook's room was for dinner, he had brought him green curry and rice, coincidentally one of the youngest favorite dishes.

"Hungry bunny boy?" Jimin said playfully, Jungkook just slowly nodded, scared of what might come out if he tried to speak. Jimin had brought a short, light table and placed it in front of the boy still sitting where he had left him and went to sit across from him. He sat with his chin in his hand, elbow on the table admiring him.

Jungkook was about to reach for a utensil when jimin grabbed his wrist, startling the younger boy.

"I think you're forgetting something cutie" he said, a smile eternally plastered on his face making his eyes turn into crescents. Jungkook thought for a minute before remembering the third rule Jimin had given him, respect.

"Thank you sir" Jungkook had muttered, clearly annoyed by having to follow such degrading rules from a man he doesn't even know.

"Be good" is all Jimin replied but let go of his wrist, indicating to Jungkook that he could start eating. He almost moaned when he took the first bite, why is this so good? he thought to himself but continued to eat.

He looked up shyly at the yellow eyes staring at him, quickly looking back down, but using all the confidence he had left to speak. "So, that... auction, why was I there? Are we still in Korea?" Jimin chuckled lightly, "you are not really in a place to ask questions darling, but I guess you're already here so it won't matter. You're a gold item bunny, they probably had their eye on you because you're an easy target," Jungkook looked back up so that their eyes met, "and clearly attractive."

"Who's they?" He asked, Jimin ignored him.

"As for our location, yes we are still in South Korea." Jungkook went back to eating/playing with his curry, "so are you like what a human trafficker?" Jimin laughed loudly at this, "HAHA a human trafficker? You're kidding right?" Jungkook just stared at him confused.

"Baby I bought you for 10 million dollars, I'm no human trafficker"

Jungkook was shocked, 10 million dollars? Who would have so much money? Who would buy a boy without having dark intentions?

"So why did you?"

"Because you're cute and innocent, and I want to change that," he smirked again. Jungkook stilled, Mr. Park's words sinking in quickly.

"W-What is that supposed to m-" Jungkook was cut off by Jimin grabbing his chin, lifting his head so that he was looking up to him. "I'm going to use you as I please, I bought you, remember that."

Jungkook couldn't help the gulp he took, causing his Adam's apple to visibly bobble. Jimin of course noticed.

"Don't worry," he continued, "if you're good I won't do anything too harsh." That didn't relax Jungkook at all, in fact it frightened him more, what would happen if he was bad? What does the man even consider bad behavior? But Jimin just let his chin go and nodded for him to finish his plate.

"Don't worry"

How could he not worry?

"I won't do anything, today."

Today?!?? Jungkook was suddenly dreading tomorrow. Even if his buyer was kinda hot, he noticed how the veins and muscles in his arms were clearly visible, his tattoo and grey hair complementing his honey colored skin, his glistening yellow eyes that- fuck no what the hell was he thinking. This guy literally has him held fucking hostage.

After Jungkook had finished Jimin stood taking the empty plate with him, "sleep well bunny, tomorrow will be a big day for you" he said with a wink, Jungkook shuddered. Then he left and locked the door behind him.

Jungkook just stared at the door, bewildered yet strangely intrigued.



Sorry this one is short but we getting a lil spicier as we go ;)))))) - Author

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