Cheese in the Trap...(Fanfic)

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Cheese in the Trap


Bryn had always been a spectator in life. She was 22 and had passed most of her life in quiet. As she heard the strains of piano music coming from the practice rooms she couldn't help but be entranced by the sound. It sounded like the person was pouring their soul into the piece. She wasn't versed in music so she couldn't tell you what the name was but she could tell you it made her feel like all the emotions of the world had pressed itself in her body..She felt happy and sad and angry all at the same time! Her feet carried her to the door of its own violation. She pushed the door slightly open and saw Him. He was bent over the keys with his eyes close and his fingers moved fluidly over them. The music swelled and spilled over and she stood transfixed. The man was slender and tall,his back muscles flexed with his movements. His hair was chocolate brown and fell over his face in waves. He was perfect. Bryn felt her face heat up ,and he choose to open his eyes exactly at that moment!

"Excuse me...this is a private session,just what exactly are you doing?"he asked in a voice that sounded like smooth velvet. Deep and strong

Bryn jumped at his tone tho!

She bowed her head to Him

"I'm sorry....I just heard the music I didn't think..."...and she hustled to leave but she hadn't realised he had moved towards her. As she turned to pull the door open he grabbed her from behind and pulled her back. She squeaked in surprise at his strength.

"Wait right there,"and he proceeded to search her coat pockets !

"Hey what are you doing!"she exclaimed but he didn't answer. Slowly the fact of how close he was to her and where his hands were began to register in her mind. She fought stronger but all he did was pin her to the wall and let his hands wonder over her. She felt weak and just gave up and let him do as he wanted. Finally he pulled away

"You don't have any why were you sneaking here? If you weren't recording my piece for the competition what were you doing?"he asked in a confused tone.

When she could breath again she said softly

"I liked how your piece sounded and I made the mistake of stopping here to listen to it...Sorry it won't ever happen again!" she bowed and moved swiftly to the door and ran. She didn't wait for him to say anything. She just ran as fast as she could. She reached the women's room and went in. She slumped into the couch there and tried to steady her breathing. She never felt this way before. Like her entire body was on fire.


In ho looked in confusion at the door of the practise room. He had been immersed in his playing so it had been a surprise to see someone's staring at Him while he played. She was small ,barely 5ft he thought. And she had this expression of wonder on her face that made him literally want to kiss her! That alone unnerved him. But then the thought that she may be there to spy on him made him angry and he didn't even think when he grabbed her and searched her. It had taken him a while to realise that he was scaring her. But he also couldn't help his hands from wondering over her. She was small but she had a well developed body.

Curvy and firm. That's when he came back to his senses and pulled away. She didn't take long to run away but somehow she left him feeling all bothered and achy. He really wanted to kiss her! He looked at the time and realised he would be late to meet Seol ! Taking his mind off of the girl he left the room. He smiled as he thought of Seol and her crazy hair.

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