Chapter 1. A Man From Overseas

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The sound of the front door being knocked wakes me. I sit up and yawn loudly before standin'.

"Comin'!" I call drowsily as whoever is outside keeps knocking impatiently. I find a tall, red haired Japanese man upon opening. I blink twice at him, confused, before noticing the car parked in front of my home. Another traveler lost on his way to Inverness, I think.

"The town is followin' the road you just left." I say. He shoots a confused look at me as I sleepily lean on the door.

"I'm not going to town." He explains, his deep green eyes gleaming in amusement. I must admit his English is pretty good, and I like the sound of his voice. "I came to visit you. Did you forget I was coming?"

Realization falls on me like an anvil. "Bloody Hell! Tha' was taeday!" I face palm myself as he laughs.

"I can't believe you forgot about it, Willow." He smiles at me. "I told you I was coming weeks ago."

In fact I had no' forgotten. I had been waiting for his arrival since I had received his last letter with the confirmation of his staying over for a few days. He is after all, my friend Tsuki's older brother.

"Come in. I'm sairy, I was asleep" I let him inside, after all the old house I have been living in since my parents died is much warmer than the Highlands' cool air.

"I can tell." I look at him confused, and he points at my pajamas, looking away quickly. I look down briefly before turning bright red, my shirt had come undone while I was sleeping.

I turn around quickly. "A-anyway, have you had breakfast yet?" I say buttoning my shirt up.

"Well... I did drive from Edinburgh this morning. Take your guess." He answers.

"I gather you haven't then. Le' me get dressed, I'll fix something up for us." I rush upstairs, leaving my visit in the living room.

I can barely believe what's happening today. I had seen pictures of him. And spoken briefly on the phone sometimes. Especially when I called looking for his sister. But talking tae him face tae face... that seems like a challenge. Tsuki appears tae have intentionally tried tae get us together, since he had written. Apparently, he was to be in Scotland for business and asked to stay at my place. And how could I say no to my friend's brother? I'd bet she reminded him she has a friend up here.

I quickly put on a black T-shirt and jeans, and walk downstairs while brushing my hair. He's looking around in the living room, thankfully I've kept the paintings my parents put on the walls.

"So, anything's fine?" I ask calling his attention. He looks at me, I'm not exactly sure what to make of the look in his eyes. Is he... studying me? I brush the thought out of my mind, as I remember I've never looked as a woman usually would. He couldn't possibly be doing that, he must be considering the possibility of telling his sister on breaking contact with me.

After a long awkward silence, which I use to pull my dark hair into a ponytail, he nods, and I finally leave for the kitchen. I can feel his eyes on my back even after the door has closed. I slip to the ground with a sigh and stay crouching for a few moments, before I begin thinking on what to make for breakfast. I haven't had to cook for more than one person since my brothers went to live at Inveraray, I'm insecure about my skill. Luckily, the orchard in the back has lived enough to give good fruit, so that won't be a problem. I take some oranges and extract the juice in two glasses, it's no' long before I start humming some random melody as usual.

"Ehem..." his voice sound behind me as I finished frying eggs.

"Yeah?" I ask turning around, trying not to let him notice he startled me.

"You have a nice voice" he says, smiling. Curses, he noticed.

"Thank you" I smile awkwardly before serving breakfast.

We eat in silence, I canna help myself from stealing a glance or two at him, canna just ignore him.

"Thank you for letting me stay, Willow." He says once he's done. I shoot a confused look at him. "That's your name right? Willow, that's what Tsuki calls you."

"Well," I reply taking the dishes away "in a way, perhaps, it is what my name means anyway."

"What's you name, then?"

"Seileach" I can see that odd name look on him, and sigh. "That's why she calls me Willow instead. And you doona need to thank me, it's nice having someone over every once in a while."

I turn in time to see him yawning, driving three hours while it's still dark outside is quite the feat after all. I smile unconsciously.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Nothing" I shake my head "come, I'll show you to your room."

He follows me upstairs, and I am too self conscious as I feel his eyes on my back again. I open the first door on reach, a room very similar to my own greets us.

"I'm sairy if it's too dusty" I say opening the curtains, letting sunlight in "I haven't cleaned the unused rooms for a while, you should probably rest. Call if you need anything."

He nods and I step out of the room, though curiosity fills my mind and there's a lot I would like to ask of him. I go back downstairs and put a random videogame let's play on the tv as I do last night and today's dishes. I can barely pay attention to whatever the gamer is saying about the game, my thoughts, flying to the room upstairs where my guest sleeps, I'm guessing.

I look out the window dreamily, the leaves of the nearby willow trees move slowly with the wind outside. I remember the time I met Tsuki: we were both in Glasgow on vacation, and my parents had convinced me of singing in a private event a few nights ago. I had gone that morning to a bookstore close to our inn, when a girl called me, asking about the previous night's event. She startled me, we began talking and became friends before the hour was over. I had learnt about her family because I caught her looking at a picture of her brother and her, Tsuki was younger than me, and her brother was older than me. Weird being in the middle.

I sigh and rest my forehead on the cold glass, I might actually have a wee crush on him. And Tsuki knows. Whatever should I do now? And why did he have to be older? I sit on the couch hugging my knees, I should stop thinking about it. It's a lost battle anyway, he would never look my way.

"Everything ok?" I look up, h stands in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest, his hair even messier than it was earlier, it's just so much I can do no' to stare at him like an idiot. How much time has passed?

"Aye, do you need anything?" I ask after what feels like ages. He walks into the room, until he stands in front of me.

"You said something about a town earlier" his voice alone makes shivers run down my spine "I'd like to go there, if you don't mind."

"You can go wherever you want, love" I freeze in place for a second, my own ways have trapped me. Did I really just call him love?

"I think I didn't make myself clear", he chuckles softly "what I meant is that I will be needing a guide."

"There are plenty in town" I shrug "you won't have trouble finding a good one"

"Why search for a guide, when there's a local right here?" He smiles, I glare at him, and stand up sighing.

"Let's go, then" I say as I look for my keys, my bag and a hoodie.

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