Into Hiding - - Obi Wan Kenobi

764 2 0

Y/N - Your name
E/C - Eye colour
Y/H/P - Your home planet
Platonic fluff (?)

Y/N - Your nameE/C - Eye colourY/H/P - Your home planetPlatonic fluff (?)

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You are Obi Wans Padawan and a sister figure to Anakin Skywalker.
The one shot that follows is the aftermath of Order 66 and the birth and hiding of Luke and Leia Skywalker.

Word count: 1500

You held the baby in your arms in the Polis Massa medical facility, it felt comforting yet unfair that Obi Wan trusted you to choose where little baby Leia ended up. If it was up to you, she and Luke would stay with you but since the Jedi order had to go into hiding after Anakin's sudden switch to the dark side, it was safer for the twins to be split up and hid in the galaxy.

You tried your best not to think about Padme lying dead a few metres away from you and the baby. Obi Wan stood next to you holding Luke who was a spitting image of Anakin. Ani. You had trained alongside him, you had found him with your previous master Qui Gon Jinn before he was murdered. You, along with Ani, became Obi Wan's padawans. Obi Wan was your mentor and your best friend, someone you could confide in but right now, you felt like if you talked you'd throw up or cry...perhaps both.

"I'm afraid there's nothing more to teach you, my padawan. After today, we must hide the twins and go into hiding." Obi Wan whispered. You nodded your head, holding the sleeping child close to your chest. "Y/N." He repeated, turning to you. You couldn't tear your eyes away from Padme.

"I'm listening." You mumbled. Obi Wan sighed and gently guided you away from the room. "Master, I'm not ready....I-I can't be a Jedi, I haven't even gone through the test." You protested. "Sometimes I don't concentrate properly when I meditate, and my leadership is sloppy– hell, I was crap at leading the 212th when you weren't there!"

"Y/N!" Obi Wan shushed you, he stared into your E/C eyes and begged you to calm down. "There is no more Jedi Order, Y/N." Obi sighed. "I am no longer your master, young one." You glanced down at Luke in Obi Wan's grip and nodded softly.

"I have to go and make a call." You stated, handing Leia to Obi Wan. You walked through the medical facility trying to find somewhere quiet. There were droids everywhere and the lack of clones felt unsettling.
You came to a room with empty beds and no one in sight, so walking in, you closed and locked the door behind you.

You. Y/N L/N of Y/H/P were finally giving up. You looked down at the transmitter in your hand hand placed it on the ground. Above the piece of metal, the blue silhouette of Senator Bail Organa appeared in front of you.

"Padawan L/N... we heard of what happened to Anakin. What of senator Amidala?" You glanced down at the ground.

"She died today, giving birth to..." Senator Organa waited. You shook your head, forcing yourself to stare at his hologram. "She died giving birth to her daughter, Leia. This child will be in great danger if Anakin gets a hold of her, we don't know if she's force sensitive yet and Senator Amidala... Padme would've wanted Leia to be with someone she trusted."

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