A Game of Cat and Mouse

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Hello there! I know it's been a while, so I hope you enjoy this longer chapter. It's based on Season 1, Episode 9, "Re-Do" (one of my favorite episodes lol)

Fair warning, because of the content in the episode mentioned above, that this chapter may be considered graphic and/or triggering to some. I would suggest reading a synopsis of this episode (if you don't remember the plot) before reading this chapter if you are concerned.

Like so many other occasions, this Sunday's dinner was a tense affair. As Emily sat next to her Aunt Erin, by her Grandfather at the head of the table, and across from her mother, she looked around at the tightlipped grimaces, broken only by their chewing and drinking. The boys thankfully were mostly unaware of the tension, and Nicky wasn't even there, spending the week in San Francisco with her father.

Finally, she accepted the fact that she needed to be the one to break the silence.

"You know, Aunt Erin, if you're too busy with your cases to let me come to your office after work, that's okay, I can just ride the subway like always."

"No Emily, we've talked about this already," her mom jumped in. "You know we don't like you riding the subway alone all the way to the Staten Island Ferry, then having to get the ferry alone too, then get all the way home alone, since Nicky isn't here. And with my shift at the hospital for this week, I can't pick you up from school."

"Besides, with that creep Reid out on the streets," Danny shuddered. "I don't even know if I like you riding alone just to the District Attorney's office."

"I could send a car to pick her up and take her here, if you'd like," Frank offered.

"No guys, really, it's fine," Erin turned to address her niece. "I don't mind letting you sit in my office afterschool this week, really Emily. I mean, yeah I'm swamped with these big releases, but it's not like having you there would change that." With a smile, she ruffled Emily's hair and took another bite of food.

There it was again, that barely concealed anxiety in everyone's faces. Because of some contaminated DNA evidence, three criminals, the worst of the worst, were being released from prison, including Richard Reid. The sadistic monster had raped and brutally murdered three women, with his last victim just barely escaping by holding her bound wrists to the flames from her bed, set on fire by Reid. Truly, he was an evil monster; and he was free, for now at least.

Earlier, Danny had been gripping his glass so tightly that his knuckles were pure white.  Emily was afraid that the glass would shatter while he talked about the disgusting "fan club" that had been awaiting Reid's release from prison, asking for pictures and autographs with the animal as if he were a movie star. The sooner he was back in jail, the better, for the Reagans and for New York City as a whole.

And so, for that week, once the bell rang and students were dismissed, Emily would ride the subway to the District Attorney's office, where she would be greeted by Erin's assistant in the lobby and led up the elevator and down the hall to Erin's office. She always loved walking through the DA's office. She felt like a fly on the wall, seeing an entire world that most people never got the chance to. She walked past doorway after doorway that lined the opposite sides of every floor, each with names and fancy titles written on the frosted glass windowpanes. Those were for the big shots. Going down the middle of the floor were the desks and cubicles, for everyone else: the assistants, legal aides, stenographers, interns, and so on.

There was almost a sense of organized chaos with interns running around carrying stacks of folders and cups of coffee, copy and fax machines buzzing away constantly, papers shuffling, keys being typed on keyboards, and people talking on the phone and to each other. There was almost too much for Emily to look at, her head swiveling around like she was watching a tennis match as Erin's assistant walked alongside her.

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