Author's Note

665 15 53

It's a Christmas miracle!

Surprise I'm back!

Yeah another one of these lame ass author's notes where I babble on 😒.

For real though, Merry fucking Christmas.

Let's talk about that intro though, holy (that just took 5 tries to get my phone to not autocorrect it to Holt, I have officially sabotaged my keyboard) Kansas. Can I keep a train of though, short answer: no.

Does DBR need a vacation: yes.

Have I forgotten what I wanted to tell you in this author's note: yes.

Let's regroup goddamn.

I'm gonna list it. It's easier. Words are hard.

1. It's Christmas
2. Open presents
3. Eat cookies
4. Read my new book
5. This is my first Christmas without my dad, go hug all of yours.
6. I need a motherfucking drink.

So that's how I'm surviving.

Anyway, super excited to start this story. As I've mentioned before we ALL need to give Rensk3N a round of applause for keeping me sane and on track (sort of) and honestly keeping the creativity a flowin. Also she made the 4 letter series new covers and they're awesome as well as this series but we need to tweak them slightly and by we I mean her 😂 (yes I know the title runs off). You da best.

Also, also @cayteHTSVRYN (<- fuck your username) had a birthday, a week ago? Two weeks? 10 days? What day is it? Is it still 2020? Where am I? Whatever. Everyone wish her a happy birthday 🥳 and I promised a double update so yeah, that'll be happening today to make Christmas all the more ducking (quack) merry!

I'm done. Let's do this.

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