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Evan was unsure how he ended up in the house of a boy he'd met only four days ago, sitting on his bed, in the dead of night. He didn't even know Connor's full name, yet here he was in his room, watching him pull out a joint from the closet. 

"You don't mind, do you?" Connor asked, lighting the joint and sticking it in his mouth. Evan shook his head. It didn't bother him.  His mom's new boyfriend had a son, Jeremy. When Mr. Heere came over, Jeremy would also be dragged along.  And wherever there was Jeremy Heere, there was Michael Mell. 

Evan had spent many nights with the two best friends, watching them play video games and get high. He never participated, but he was no stranger to pot. 

Besides, even if he'd said no, Evan was sure Connor would keep smoking anyway.  

Connor grunted and sat down next to him on the bed, leaning against the wall. He hadn't said much on the ride here, and Evan wondered if he had done something to upset him. 

Him even being here was probably a massive inconvenience for Connor.   

"You okay over there?" Connor asked, waving around his free hand to get his attention. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," 

"You're a terrible liar, you know." 


"Stop apologizing and just tell me what's wrong." 

And so Evan did, and it turned out, Connor was nicer when he was high. He was also very handsy.  

As Evan expressed his concern, Connor continued to reassure him it was not a problem and repeatedly reminded him that he was the one who invited him over in the first place. His affirmations were appreciated, but it was rather hard to focus with Connor's head on his shoulder and his subtle but not so subtle touches. 

Everything Connor was doing was purely innocent, playing with Evan's hair while they talked, brushing their fingers together, the spontaneous hugs, but that didn't stop the heat from rushing to his face.    

"Connor, I think we should go to bed," he said after awhile. They were both sitting on the floor, Connor's head was in Evan's lap and he was high out of his mind. He just hummed before rolling over, making no move to get up. 


"I hear ya, I'm moving." 

He stayed still. 


"Hansen, chill, I just got up." 

"No, you're still in the exact same position you were in before." 

"Fuckkkkkk," he whined, throwing his arm over his eyes. 

"Come on, let's go." Evan groaned pushing the taller boy off of him. 

"I'll take the couch, you can have the bed." Connor said, finally standing up, though it looked like he could fall at any second. 

"Connor, I highly doubt you'll make it down the stairs. I can just sleep on the floor." 

He just shook his head and walked over to Evan. He just expected Connor to sit back down, but instead Evan felt himself be hoisted up and tossed onto the bed. 

"What the fu-" 

"You're taking the bed no matter where I end up sleeping, alright? I brought you over here, and I'm not gonna make you sleep on the fucking floor." 

Connor said, chucking a blanket at him, as well as a hoodie. Evan caught it, and watched as the taller boy shucked off his own hoodie, revealing nothing but a black shirt, and threw it in the closet. Thinking it best not retaliate, Evan simply nodded an wrapped the blanket around himself. He was still unbelievably tired, and they had school tomorrow. He hoped Connor would be willing to give him a ride. 

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