18 » who you gonna call?

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" who you gonna call? "

" and resentment rides high
but emotions won't grow
love, love will tear us apart again "

               broken social scene!

Laurie was wrong. This is no fun at all.

When it turned out that the ghostbusters are, in fact, not real, they turned to the three wombats which led Laurie to this very un—fun situation of standing in the doorway of X—Con with wide eyes and a dry mouth.

He isn't supposed to be here. He just isn't.

The moment Laurie sees his face, standing there across the room, it all comes rushing back.

A curly dark head popped around her door frame, "Hey Laurie, got a moment?"

Back in her room in the LangPaxton house, the sixteen year old brunette swiveled around in her desk chair, a bright shining grin on her face, "For you? Every moment."

Gordon Makina snorted but a strange blush took over his cheeks, "Can you gimme some advice?"

"You know, you really shouldn't come to me (of all people) for advice, but since you're here, sure, I'll gladly ruin your life."

"Cool." Gordo sighed in relief.

Laurie raised a brown eyebrow, wondering if he literally heard a word she just said.

"Thank you, so, I need you to stay calm and to not make any jokes until I completely finish, okay? Okay. So, there's this girl,"

"Oooo, you have a crushycrush, Gordo! Ooo,"

"Laurie! I said, no jokes!"

"You're right! You did! Sorry! No more jokes until the end of storytime, I promise." Laurie gave him a devilish smirk, "Go on, you sly dawg."

Gordo rolled his eyes up at the ceiling, beginning to really question his interests before he sighed and went on, "So, anywaaaay," he gave her a pointed glare and she shot him a thumbs up, "I've been dropping her super obvious hints that I like her for, like, eight years now. And I'm getting no response out of her whatsoever."

"Well, she sounds stupid." Laurie gave a dorky snort.

"Ehhh." Gordo squinted and shrugged a little, "I mean, but she's really not. No matter how much she thinks she's stupid, she's actually really smart. She's just... dense." Gordo blinked, "A little."

Laurie sighed in deep contemplation, rubbing her nonexistent beard, "Maybe... you just need to be even more forward about it! Like, I don't know, just flat out say, 'Hey! I love you!'."

"Okay, that sounds good." Gordo nodded quickly before blurting, "Hey Laurie! I love you!"

"Perfect! See?" Laurie raised her eyebrows with a proud nod, "Just say that."

Gordo's expression dropped completely blank and he just slowly shook his head at her obliviousness, "Holy flippin' crap."

Laurie sighed and shook her head back, crossing one leg over her other, "If that flies over her head, then I'm sorry Gordo, but she's just too dumb for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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