6 » two steps back, one step forward

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two steps back,
                one step forward "

"   she would not show that she was afraid
     but being and feeling alone was too
     much to face, though everyone said
     that she was so strong what they didn't
     know is that she could barely carry on   "
                shawn mendes!

Laurie stands at the entrance of her little sister's bedroom with a kinda guilty look on her face. Her shoulder is pushed into the wooden doorway and her lips are twisted sourly, watching as her mom tucks Cassie in. She pulls at her long fingers distractedly, sighing to herself because she knows she's destined for death as soon as Cassie is out.

Paxton got her out of the clink about an hour ago after a lot of paperwork and some likely shady deals or something. The car ride home was horrible 'cause Paxton refused to turn on the radio so the two just had to listen to Laurie's sucky humming for entertainment. Though, her humming lasted for about ten minutes before Paxton gave her a look that said she was either gonna zip it or walk home, and considering how exhausted she was feeling, she figured she rather would zip it.

Coming into the house was even worse as Maggie stood at the front door with her arms across her chest. Laurie did one of those awkward shrugs and offered up a 'whoops' before her mom shook her head and led her upstairs to say goodnight to Cassie. It's gotta be some kind of a guilt trip though because, as she stands in her little sister's soft bedroom light, Laurie feels even worse. The fifteen year old feels like she's let Cassie down; being what she always swore she'd never be.

"Hi Laurie." The small voice of her little sister brings Laurie's focus back on her small family.

"Hey Little Mama." Laurie bumps the side of her head against the doorway, "Sorry I'm home so late."

"It's okay." Cassie bends her eyebrows at her, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Cas, I'm fine." Her older sister forces a flat smile and a nod, "Get some sleep, okay?"

She nods back and, when she shifts in her sheets, the much-adored demon bunny announces, "You're my bestest friend!"

Their mom sits down on the side of her youngest daughter's bed, eyeing the freaky thing, "Are you sure you don't want a different toy?"

"No." Cassie replies quietly, "I love this one."

Maggie presses a small smile and she nods, "Okay. Well, get some sleep. I love you."

Their mom kisses the seven year old's forehead and, as Laurie turns to trudge downstairs, Cassie stops her, "Laurie?"

Laurie lightly spins back around on her heel, "Yo?"

"Is Daddy a bad man?" Cassie pushes herself up onto her elbows, asking the question as if only her older sister would know the answer, "I heard some grownups say he's bad."

Laurie's throat goes dry.

Is Scott a bad man? She knows her answer is no. She knows it. But he's ditched her so many times that it hurts. He's trying so hard to be there for them, though. She's stubborn and stupid, but she won't deny that. Her icy eyes feel a tad warm when she glances to her mom for an answer that she doesn't know how to give.

Her mom, despite how ticked she is at her, nods at her oldest in comforting understanding before softly stroking Cassie's hair, "No. Daddy just gets confused sometimes, you know?"

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