5 » bugs & bad feelings

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bugs & bad feelings "

"  i know that i messed it up
    time and time again
    i just wanna roll my sleeves up
    and start again   "
          START AGAIN

When the three stooges enter the grim apartment, they find Laurie Lang, wearing a very pathetic expression, lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway with her legs and arms stretched out around her. Scott's friends stare at the unmoving girl for a brief moment with wide eyes.

Suddenly Dave motions out a hand and exclaims, "Oh, I see her breathe, we good."

The three men all give sighs of relief before dropping back into their sadness and solemnly wandering down around the apartment.

Luis eventually meanders on over to the fifteen year old, staring down at her with a tilted head, "What are you doing, Queenie?"

"Dying without the commitment." Laurie replies in a monotone voice, staring up at the ceiling with a look of disappointment still on her face.

"Oh, okay." Luis just shrugs and then frowns as the thoughts of the busted heist come back to him, "Your dad here?"

"'Thought so. He went into the bathroom, but he's been in there for, like, half an hour so he probably jumped out the window or something."

"Huh." Luis replies thoughtfully before he tries to step over her flailed limbs, "'Scuse me."

"You got it, Dude." She gives a thumbs up before sighing heavily and resting back into the wooden floor.

Luis knocks on the bathroom door, calling, "Scotty, what's up, Man?"

When no one responds, Luis glances down at Laurie who props herself up onto her elbows. Luis pushes the door open, calling Scott's name as he looks around. He pulls open the shower curtain and shrugs when Scott is still nowhere to be found.

Well, the man clearly left her behind again.

And here she was thinking she was going to have to revoke her own membership from the Dads Ditching Club for a reason.

Laurie rolls her eyes and lays back down as Luis shuts the bathroom door, "Typical."

She stays planted in her spot for a few more minutes before she rolls onto her stomach and lazily clambers up to her feet. The fifteen year old grabs her backpack and then a juicebox from the fridge, and then she waves at Kurt and Dave before she yanks the front door open. Her feet make loud flump-flumps as she purposefully mozies down the gray stairwell. She doesn't really pay attention as she walks and kicks at the gravel lining the sidewalk. She's still just sipping her juicebox when suddenly two booted feet land in front of her, literally appearing out of nowhere.

"Laurie!" A familiar voice sounds breathless and harried, "Oh wow, did you see that? Thank God! That was... wow, God!"

The girl just slurps in her juicebox and boredly rolls her eyes up to see the source of the voice, knowing that it's her dad. Only, like, yeah, it's him, but it's kind of hard to tell when he looks like he's about to go cosplaying or something.

With a frown, Laurie pulls her orangey-yellow straw from her mouth, "Scott? Why're you wearing that thing?"

He breathes heavily and part of the helmet is hanging from his face as he gasps breathlessly, "That was the worst thing I've ever experienced."

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