The Mission!

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You know, I promised myself I would never procrastinate again, (after yesterday when I had to get up at 5:30 to write a 2 page argumentative paper that was due last week, which by the way, 5:30 and a 2 page argumentative paper is a lot for a little middle-schooler like myself.) but hey, look it, procrastination.  BUT ANYWAY,  I’M BACK! Excuse the shortish, crappish chapter, Idk. I couldn’t write. ALSO. I decided I’m going to start updating on Saturdays. How do dat sound loveies? Good? Okay! ALSO. To fall asleep, I tell myself stories, and thats where I come up with my fanfics basically. SO ANYWAY. I need another way to fall asleep because I keep coming up with fanfics I really want to write but I need to finish this one by February 18th (I think…) And I’m getting distracted XD. Any ideas? OKAY! IM SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHOR’S NOTE! THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE READS, IT MEANT SO MUCH! I HOPE YOU’LL ENJOY! 

“Erza! It’s fine! Honestly!”

Lucy offered Erza a weak smile, which faltered drastically when Erza ignored her and continued stomping towards the guild. After telling Lucy the story, Erza exited her submissive state and started towards the guild, determined to ‘make Natsu yours’ as she put it. But as much as Lucy tried to stop her, from pulling at her arm like a little kid to an attempt Lucy kick to the stomach, Erza never stopped her powerful stride. But Lucy was just as determined as Erza was, even if it meant Natsu wouldn’t ‘be hers’, she would rather him be happy more than anything. She had to return all of the happiness he had given her. 

But nothing worked. In the end, Lucy ended up latching herself to Erza’s leg, her left heel trying to dig into the cobblestone ground. It dragged along, making Lucy curse to herself for ruining one of her favorite pairs of boots. She had to keep Natsu happy though, she had to.

They finally arrived at the guild, Lucy at the point where she knew she couldn’t stop Erza, but stayed latched to her leg nonetheless. Erza kicked open the doors, with such force that some wooden parts at the end of the doors went flying. She had just so happened to kick the doors open with the leg that Lucy was holding onto, causing Lucy to soar in the air and crash on one of the tables. Makarov, who was watching the scene unfold, slowly began to sob from the realization that he would have so many extra bills to pay because of his brats.

Erza, eyes still dead and emotionless, began stomping towards Natsu. And then he laughed. Lissana said something and Natsu laughed. Lucy shot up from the the broken table, ignoring the splinters that pierced through her skin. She lunged herself at Erza, tackling the Ex-Quip Mage so she landed on her stomach with Lucy, who was straddling the read-head by her waist but Lucy’s lips were down by her ear. Lucy wasn’t going to risk Natsu’s happiness. There was no way. Several people stopped their conversations to see how Lucy would get murdered today. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

“Erza,” Lucy muttered darkly, low enough that despite the quiet only Erza heard. Lucy’s bone-chilling voice made even Erza shiver a little, so she stopped, and didn’t even attempt to get the blond of her back. “I’m fine because Natsu is fine. Now stop.”

Erza twisted uncomfortably so she could look the blond, eyes asking so many questions it seemed impossible. But then she nodded her head in understanding, before going limp so Lucy could get off her back with ease. Erza got upand stood alongside Lucy. Everyone, unaware of their little ‘conversation’, continued to wait for the sure-to-come fight. But Erza just brushed the ‘dust’ off of her shoulders, and stated loudly and confidently,

“That was a very honorable thing for you to do, Lucy,” before strutting off towards Mira so she could get a strawberry cake. Everyone stared at Lucy, not including a certain salmon-haired mage, who refused to look at the blond. And yes, Lucy noticed it. But the silence was suddenly cut off as the guild members continued on as if nothing happened. Lucy longingly glanced once more at the table which held the boy she had been so unfair to. And then she decided, right then and there, although she might not have Natsu as her boyfriend, that didn’t mean she couldn’t attempt to be friends with him. So, forcing her refusing muscles towards the pink-haired man, started to go over to the table where he sat. All through-out this, she was completely unaware of a figure slipping through the guild doors, striding confidently but quietly towards the blond-haired girl.

Suddenly, all Lucy could see was black.

“Guess who?” The source of the hands that covered her eyes whispered. Lucy blinked twice, kind of enjoying the funny feeling of her eyelashes brushing against the cold fingers that blocked her eyesight. 

“Well it couldn’t be Gray…” She muttered, forcing out a bubbly giggle. The man uncovered her eyes and twirled her around to reveal, you guessed it, Gray. He swooped down and pressed his lips gently against hers, trying not to get too ‘intimate’ in front of everybody. “You’re a bad guesser,” He hummed against her lips. Lucy smiled, pulling back slightly. She didn’t want to do this. It felt unfair to Gray. But here she was, still talking as if they were a happy couple. “But you love me anyway,” she mumbled.

 At least ½ is a happy couple, she muttered to silently to herself. Gray pulled away slowly, to look at her face. And something was off. It wasn’t that she looked ugly, no, she always looked beautiful, but something wasn’t...right. He cocked his head slightly, to see if the angle made her look any different, but nope. She still looked off.

“Are you okay Lucy?” He asked, keeping his head to the side. She smiled at him, hoping that he wasn’t as observant as Erza. “Yeah,” she said cheerfully, praying to Mavis that her voice didn’t betray her. He looked at her for one more second before shrugging and pulling something a piece of paper out of his pocket. He handed the paper to her and she took it, and he started explaining.

“It’s been awhile since we’ve gone on a mission, so I figured you’d need the rent money,” Lucy’s eyes wandered down to the reward, before bulging out of her sockets.

“15,000,000 JEWEL!!!??” Lucy yelled. Gray laughed at her frantically surprised expression.

“WHERE DID YOU FIND A MISSION LIKE THIS THAT WASN’T S---” She stopped, her eyes finally seeing the big sticker on the front yelling out to her, ‘S-Class!’. 

“But...How…” She murmured, more to herself than Gray. Gray scratched the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly. 

“Well, you need the money, so I asked Erza to come along--” Oh, well that explained it. “--And Erza invited retard because, well, why not the entire team--” Lucy sighed. The one thing she was hoping wouldn’t happen with all her heart.  She wanted to be friends with Natsu again more than anything, of course, but she didn’t think they were at the point where they could go on a mission just yet. “--And for some reason Juvia is coming along, too.” Gray stated, grin vanishing as he shrugged. He continued to talk about the mission, but Lucy zoned out, thinking about what problems it would bring them. Oh well. She thought to herself. Who knows? It might be kind of fun. 

AND WE WILL STOP THERE! 2 MORE CHAPPIES TO GO AND I. AM. FINISHED WITH DIFFICULT LOVE. That's it XD. I hope you enjoy your Saturday, don't forget to vote and review, and I will see y'all next week!

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