Untitled Part 5

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Hey loves! Okay, so instead of 5 reviews I recieved..... 0! Okay, so I may have possibly bluffed a little... PLEASE FORGIVE ME MINNAAA *retreats to corner to sob quietly.* I JUST WANTED TO KNOW HOW YOU GUYS LIKED MY STORY T.T. So I'm sorry for blackmailing you minna, but you still get a happy chappie anyway. After all, I did already write this story and I know how each chappie is gonna go so... But, take this chapter as a gift :3. Okay, Ily, even tho you don't review *grumbles to self*, BUT THAAATS OKAY BECUZ I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Okay. I'll stop talking now. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I pledge allegiance, to the Fairy Tail, in the town of Magnolia in Fiore. And to the Mashima, for which we stand, only he owns, this Fairy Tail, not me, for liberty and justice for all! 

Maybe I shouldn’t make parodies to the U.S.’s pledge of allegiance either. Maybe.

Lucy dashed through the cobblestone streets of Magnolia, each step a slap for her bare feet on the sun bathed ground. And it hurt. Though it was her own fault for forgetting shoes on her mad dash out, and dashing out in the first place to be honest. And she deserved it. Damn did she deserve it. As she ran aimlessly, Lucy actually thought about the past events. And then she realized how she should have looked into Natsu’s weird behavior instead of ignoring it. 


Lucy was dancing, everything else in the world seemed to disappear. She was enjoying herself  a lot more than she thought she would tonight. Though as Lucy was twirling, she caught sight of something that at the time, she hadn’t really noticed. It was Natsu. His onyx eyes were locked on her, and there was an unexplainable anger that filled up the dark orbs. And...Jealousy? But Lucy shook it off as nothing, and she continued to dance.

It was much later in the night before anything happened again. It was when the slow dance came on. Lucy’s arms were wrapped tightly around Gray’s neck, and his arms held her waist. And then they kissed. Fireworks and angels sang in Lucy’s head, almost loud enough to drown out the sound of the door slamming.

And then it slammed a second time.

Lucy was too busy kissing Gray to really hear it, but looking back, she did hear it. She heard those door slams like warning bells. But she ignored those warning bells and pretended as if it was nothing. Though maybe if she hadn’t brushed off those weird occurrences, then maybe she wouldn’t be in the situation she was now.

End of Flashback

Tears clouded Lucy’s vision, so now on top of not knowing where she was running, she couldn’t help running into innocent passer byers as she continued to run to who-knows-where.  

‘Natsu loves you Lucy! You’ve waited for this for so long! But now...Do you honestly love him back?’ Gray… He had his maturity, his mysterious nature, his kisses… Did she really want to give that up? But then there was Natsu, his stupid grins, his complete idioticness, his warmth...Did she really want to give that up? Loving Natsu would be, has been, difficult, but isn’t that what love is? Willing to stay with them no matter how difficult that love got? (A/N: KINDA SORTA TITLE DROPPPPPP) 

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