Introducing... HAKAI! :3

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Hey guys, procrastination here! OKAY. Is it just me or does Natsu with long hair in chapter 419 kinda look like that God Slayer in the Grimior Heart Arc? Just me? Okay. But here we are, the second to last chapter! Blood sweat and tears guys, blood sweat and tears all for you. I think that deserves some more reviews… *nudge nudge wink wink*. I would like to apologize for not updating on Saturday like I said I was, my wattpad and fanfiction . net weren't working, so... AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS TOO, I MEAN DAMN OVER 100! OKAY. THATS IT. THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH AND ILL SEE YOU SOON FOR THE LAST CHAPTER! HOPE YOU ENJOY!

Deadly silence hung in the air as the group walked to the station. The only sound that could be heard was the squealing coming from Erza’s cart which held her pounds of luggage. But even the annoying squeak couldn’t be heard as everyone tried to focus on not being swallowed by the intense atmosphere. Despite the intense, even scary, aura that floated through the air, everyone but Natsu and Lucy tried to break the ice. Tried to say something. But that just resulted in everyone falling deeper into the hole of intensity, until they were so deep they stopped talking altogether.

Lucy secretly prayed to Mavis that Natsu’s motion sickness cause some of the atmosphere to vanish: to cause everyone to lighten up. But Mavis wasn’t in the mood to answer her prayers. Wendy had decided to try Trovia on Natsu one last time, and it worked. Leaving Natsu to be his quiet, conscious, self. 

After about three hours out of the six of non-stop silence, the train came to a halt at another town so that other passengers could leave. Gray got up to leave, making an excuse about a need of fresh air, before exiting from the silence. Juvia instantly followed him, despite his protests, and the pair left the train. Erza, eyes darting from the two mages sitting on opposite sides of the booth before getting up to get ‘fresh air’ as well. Before following the two other mages out of the train, she shot Lucy a look of encouragement, a hopeful gleam in her eye. This left Natsu and Lucy.

Natsu’s head rested on his hand as he stared out the tiny window before him, eyes following the poofy clouds. Lucy sat with her back straight as if she were eating dinner with her father all those years ago; hands in lap, chin held high. And she stared at him, watching the smallest movements of his eyes. 

She swallowed, trying to force the choked words out of her dry throat. 

It’s now or never, Lucy!

“Natsu? Erm--um-- where’s Happy at?” She breathed, feeling more encouraged now that she had gotten something out. 

“Doing something with Carla,” Natsu replied immediately, words flat and emotionless, “Now what do you really want?” His eyes shifted, onyx meeting brown. Lucy’s eyes widened. Half because he was actually talking to her, and half because of how the words were said: hurt, angry. Natsu’s emotionless eyes wandered back to the window, following the clouds once more. So he can’t even look at me. She thought to herself, hurt pounding in her chest. But she swallowed, words lacing together to form sentences, ready to burst behind her mouth.

“I understand that you were hurt, and I never meant to do that to you! I was confused, scared, upset… I didn’t know what to do. My situation was… Difficult. But please, Natsu! I..I…” C’mon, Lucy! Get it out! “Really...Um...Miss you as a friend!” Damn it! Lucy swore to herself. That wasn’t what she wanted to say at all! Natsu looked at her again, and for a second, his anger faltered. Looking at her, pain all over her face, made him want to tackle her in a warm embrace, and hold her tight, running his hand down her silky hair. He wanted to feel her arms encircle around his waist, resting her head in the crook of his neck. He wanted to feel her gentle, soothing touch against his back, the touch that would make him want to give the world to her. But only for a second. Then, his softened features hardened and he forced himself to get rid of those thoughts look away. He was angry with her. He loved Lisanna.

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