Untitled Part 3

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HELLOOOO THERE LITTLE KIDDIES! I AM BACK WITH LE THIRD CHAPTER! I had only one day of school this week so take that suckers :p. But. I dunno. I just hope you enjoy this chapter. My blood sweat and tears were put into it and stuff. So yeah. Enjoy. Or else. But I love you. So I’ll shut up now. So read!


Disclaimer: I do not under any current circumstance own Fairy Tail or any of its characters.


Natsu walked through the cool rain, which had already soaked through his clothes. He didn’t notice though, he didn’t even see where he was going, and not because of the rain. The image of Lucy looking at him, looking so hurt, was all he saw. And each time he saw it his heart ached more and more. Maybe Happy was right, he should go see Wendy. ‘Happy...HAPPY!’ Natsu’s eyes widened, remembering that his furry friend was still sleeping at Lucy’s apartment.

He sighed. Happy would be fine. There was no need to go back. Then he would have to see Lucy, though he wanted to so badly. He wanted to be with Lucy, hear her laugh, see her creepy grin. Yes, he wanted to be with her more than anything, but he couldn’t. Being around her, thinking about her, caused him to have butterflies and an overly hot fever come to his face. He was sick, she made him sick. So until he got cured, he couldn’t see her.


That thought gave him another pang to the heart. What was a day without seeing Luce? As he was walking through the cold rain, through his thoughts, he was able to sob. At first he thought it was just the rain, but as he continued walking, he heard the sob again, louder. Natsu dashed towards the noise, blindly running through the cobblestone streets of Magnolia. And then he smelled it. The saltiness of tears. He followed his nose, unable to rely on his eyes due to the rain, which brought him to the canal that Lucy always walked along, except much farther down the street. Natsu was able to make out the form of a figure and an umbrella.

He came closer, to see a woman with blue hair that curled at the bottom and a long black dress, the kind that you would wear to a party. Just like Juvia. Natsu crept over to her, and then yelled over the pounding rain that caused, by now, him to even shiver.




Juvia looked up, her face covered in red blotches and her bloodshot eyes filled with hope. When she saw it was only Natsu, who kind of resembled a drowned pink rat, she looked down and wiped her eyes. “J-Juvia likes the rain…” Her voice cracked at the end of the sentence, and her eyes filled up with tears again.

“Well okay.” Natsu plopped down next to Juvia, accidently landing in a puddle, but he tried to pretend he didn’t notice.

“So why ya crying?” Juvia looked at him for just a second before bursting into sobs. ‘Shittttt!! Way to go Natsu!’ “E-Eh I’m sorry! Don’t cry! Er, Um,” Natsu frantically tried to comfort her, but each attempt seemed to make it worse. So eventually, he just sat there, looking at both their feet dangling over the river. After a few minutes, Juvia calmed down, and looked out blankly towards the canal.




Natsu hummed, he was too busy thinking about Lucy again to speak.


“Does Natsu-San love Love Rival?”

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