Ends also mean Beginnings

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FINAL CHAPTER GUYS! I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS, IT MEANS SO MUCH! I promised my little family back at fanfiction . net a sequel, so if you want to read it, I'll put a link to my page in the comments. So even though nobody ever told me how my story was *Sighs dramatifcally* I still love all of you, and I hope we meet again... I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER THOUGH, AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Complete nothingness surrounded Lucy. It was nothing like what she imagined nothingness to be though. Where she expected a white space where she was floating around, she was giving complete black.

        Am I dead? She thought to herself as she tried to recall what had happened to her. No. Lucy reasoned with herself. She could still feel a horrible sting all through-out her body, but the most pain was located in her stomach. Lucy tried to remember. Remember why she felt this pain, why she was staring into nothing but she was conscious. But nothing came to her. All she could remember was boldness of Natsu’s words, the scared worry that laced them as they rang about her head.

        GOD DAMN IT! LUCY!


        She would’ve smiled, if it wasn’t for the heaviness of the muscles that was holding it down. Natsu still came for her, just like he always did. She wanted to dance and sing and scream and shout, but she couldn’t. No matter how much her arms tried to move in a happy sway, they stayed still, frozen, limp, causing the urge for that happy sway to vanish. Maybe I am dead, maybe this is like, post-dead pain or something. But how did she die? What happened? These thoughts caused her to feel worn out, and she felt herself fall from a dark consciousness to black sleep.


        Lucy woke back into blackness at the sound of someone’s voice. She was unsure who it was, or even what they were saying, but someone was saying something, mumbling, she was sure of it. As Lucy felt the sleep leave her, the words became louder, more understandable.

        “You have to hang in there Lucy, you and Juvia both,” The voice said. It was a girl, Lucy was sure of it. But who? “Stay strong, okay? That’s all I can ask for right now.” The girl whispered. So she wasn’t dead, she was sure of it now. Just… Sleeping. But no, she was awake, she was able to hear this girl, wasn’t she? The girl spoke again, snapping Lucy out of her thoughts.

        “I wish I had been there,” The girl let out a little laugh, the sound of water falling into a cool, clear stream, “Gray said that Hakai guy was lucky to be alive after Natsu got his hands on him… He went insane after seeing you on the ground, looking dead. You guys really care about each other, it’s funny how you can’t see it.” She stated, her voice small soft and frail.

        And that’s when Lucy’s memories came in like one of Aquarius’ waves. The mission. Hakai. Juvia. Their ‘death’. Natsu had come to save me, Lucy thought. And that girl, it must be Wendy! Lucy wanted to jump up, scream, tell everyone that she was alright. But she was frozen, her limbs too heavy to lift.

         “Of course, Gray got his fair share of beating on Hakai too… He must’ve realized how much he cared for Juvia, seeing her look just as dead as you did. In fact, he’s almost been coming in to see her as much as Natsu has been coming in to see you.” Wendy stated, a thoughtful tone etched in her voice.

        Lucy tried to smile again at the thought of Natsu seeing her. A lot, even. But she lay there silently, no movement, no smile. The attempt made Lucy tired again, forcing her to fall into blackness.

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