Natsu's Downfall

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aND ANotHER CHAPTER!! I have no school today. Wanna know why? BECUZ ITS FUJICKING -15 DEGREES OUTSIDE! As much I want to kill Chicago sometimes, the weather changes have been kinda okay for once. This time, it was 30 degrees outside for winter break, and then when we had to go to school, it became way down in the negatives >:D.  And while I’m at my Chicago weather stories, there was one day in May, when on Friday it was 80 and on Saturday it was snowing. That was a fun day. Anyway. Sorry. I am also sorry about the long time it’s been since I updated, but believe it or not, something happened that I was almost positive wouldn’t: I got writers block XD. AND. I’m still writing another story that has adoring fans *Flips hair*. But you guys are my adoring fans also so you deserce another chapter :p. But here you are, probably the crappiest chappie you’ll ever get, so I apologize minna *bows several times*.  BUT ILYSM AND THANKS FOR THE FOLLOWS FAVORITES AND REVIEW SO I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER BECUZ I. LOVE. YOUUUUUUUUU.


Disclaimer: I dUN OwN FaiRY taIL OKay?


Lucy wasn’t really sure how it happened. They were dancing, laughing, she was twirling, just enjoying herself throughout the night. And then they kissed. It was everything she imagined her first kiss being, just with the wrong guy.Even so… She glanced up at Gray, who was looking off in the distance, a soft blush on his cheeks. He looked so peaceful, a state she didn’t normally see him in. I kind of...liked it. Lucy mentally shook her head, trying to get those thoughts out of her head. But with each attempt, the memory of her and Gray’s ‘moment’ replayed bolder in her mind, giving her a sweet feeling in her chest.

Her eyes slowly wandered back to Gray’s face, which had a small blush tinting his cheeks. She smiled to herself and rested her head on his chest, wrapping her arms slightly tighter around his neck. Maybe...Maybe I should just give up on Natsu…Maybe Gray is the one that I really love. The little weight that had been holding her down lifted off her shoulders, to the point where she could’ve sworn she felt it, causing her to snuggle in a little closer to Gray.

He noticed this, and smiled to himself. He loved her, and he was unsure how he didn’t see it before. Just like Lucy, the thought of their kiss continued to roll like an old movie clip through his mind, causing his heart to beat loudly. He was genuinely surprised Lucy didn’t hear it. She was so close.... At that moment, Gray knew he had to tell her. He couldn’t hold it back. And if she didn’t return the feelings, then...then… He was unsure right now. But he had to get it out nonetheless.




She hummed in response, the sound making Gray’s face even more pink. He leaned down, so that his lips tickled her ear and spoke very softly, so that only she could hear.


“I love you Lucy.”


She looked up at him, her brown eyes at first glazed with curiosity. But then she smiled at him, and leaned her head back on his chest.


“I love you too, Gray.”


For a second, Gray’s heart stopped, before thundering in his chest even louder than before. She loved him! He had to use every muscle in his body not to jump and scream with joy. Gray swooped down and kissed her again, wishing anymore than anything that this night would never end.

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