And So It Begins

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Hellooooooooo there lovely people! This is my first ever story on wattpad (I generally write on fanfiction . net, trying something new I guess. Umm, anyway, I know where I want this story to go, so this will go by relatively quickly. This is a NaLu fanfiction, in case you didn’t know, so yeah. I hope you enjoy, and I give you: Difficult Love! (I kinda suck at titles lmao XD)


Disclaimer: I don’t own Fairy Tail...yet.


It was a quiet morning, something Fairy Tail had gotten used to this past month. No fights had broken out, no overly loud arguments, just peace. It was February, so small flakes of snow could be seen falling out the guilds windows. This was the kind of morning that guilds older members had grown accustomed to, though they knew it was finally over when a cool breeze entered the hall when the doors were slammed open.


“With this kind of money, I’ll be able to pay my rent for the next 6 months!” Lucy cheered happily, pumping her fist in the air. Team Natsu had gone on a month-long S-Class mission, but finishing it gave them twelve million jewel to split.


“We would’ve gotten the money a lot quicker if snowflake over here didn’t get in my way.” Natsu pointed his thumb towards Gray in a lazy fashion, eyes glazed with boredom.


“Are you kidding me? You would’ve died without me there!” Gray growled at Natsu, his fists tightening as he prepared one of the many fights that guild hadn’t missed in the past month.


Natsu bashed his forehead against Gray’s, gritting his teeth towards the raven-haired mage. “You wanna go ice princess?”


“Like you could beat me flame-brain!”


Their argument had slowly turned into a dust cloud of ice and fire, the occasional chair joining the battle. Everyone sighed, even Erza decided not to separate them. Lucy slowly strutted over to Mira, shaking her head in slight amusement as she went to order a strawberry milkshake.


She plopped down on a stool, and greeted Mira who was cleaning a glass.


“Welcome back Lucy! How was your mission?” Lucy smiled tiredly and looked up at Mira.


“Exhausting, I just really need a milkshake.” Mira nodded with a smile, and dashed off to make one. Upon returning and handing Lucy her glass, Mira leaned towards Lucy in interest.

“So you guys made it back just in time for Valentines day!” Lucy smiled. Valentines day was one of Lucy’s favorite holidays, full of love, roses, Mira’s chocolates… But it was a reminder of the fact that she was single, though she was ready to change that. As if reading Lucy’s mind, Mira grinned creepily.


“Do you have a date for the party?” A suggestive gleam shined and Mira’s eyes, and there was no question why. Mira had been trying to fix Lucy up with Natsu ever since their first mission together. And even though Lucy had a small crush on her childish, yet handsome partner, he was too dense to notice and Lucy figured her little fantasy of them being together would never come true.

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