Begging On Your Knees

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So it’s obvious I’m struggling with this story, so I’ve decided to put it on hold until sometime next year. There’s a lot going on in my life at the moment and I just need a break from struggling through this book.

I hope you all have a merry Xmas and a happy new year!


Anya’s POV

“Don’t look now, but I think Josh is checking you out!” Skyla whispered to me.

“Who’s Josh?”

She stopped and stared at me in astonishment, eyes wide and mouth open. “Are you serious?! You don’t know who he is?!”

“Well I wouldn’t be asking if I did, now would I?” I pointed out.

She looked around before leaning in to whisper in my ear. “Josh Devine is one of the most wanted guys in this school. Girls would kill to have the chance to speak to him.”

“Why? He doesn’t sound that amazing.” I asked, looking over my shoulder to meet the brown eyes of an eighteen year old boy who sent me a dazzling smile. I grinned and waggled my fingers at him.

“What are you doing?!” Skyla hissed, grabbing my hand. I laughed.

“Relax. I’m allowed to wave at someone, aren’t I?” I smiled at her as we continued walking through the hallways to our new lunch spot with Niall and Izzy

“You do realise that he’s walking this way right now?” she asked.

“You’re kidding,” I replied, not believing her.

“Not at all.” she smiled. “I have to go now. Tootles!”

“Skyla!” I said as she quickly walked away from me, pausing to give me a wave and grin before disappearing around the corner, unruly blonde curls the last thing I see of her.

“Hey,” a deep voice greeted from behind me and I turned to see Josh smiling at me.


“You’re new here, right?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m a friend of Skyla’s. She was here a moment ago but as you can probably tell, she ran off.”

“I noticed. She saw me coming and bolted.”

“You must be pretty scary if you made her run away like that.” I joked. “That girl’s pretty fearless.”

“I don’t believe you.” He grinned.

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “One Halloween when we were six we went on a haunted forest trail when a guy with a chainsaw jumped out at us. I ran screaming in the other direction but she decided to stay and make friends with the scary man!”

“She sounds…” he searched for the right word. “Interesting.”

“She is the definition of crazy. Her picture is probably in the dictionary next to that word.”

Josh laughed lightly, shaking his head. “I actually wanted to ask you something.” he said, changing the subject.


“I was wondering if you were free Saturday night to go see a movie with me?” he asked.

“Oh, I see.” I replied. “You’re asking me out on a date.”

“Well… yeah.” He said bashfully. “So……”

“I’m sorry but I can’t.” I apologised and instantly his face fell. “It’s not that I don’t want to,” I added quickly. “But I have a boyfriend.”

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