Chasing The Sun

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What is with the rumours that Liam and Danielle have spilt? I, for one, refuse to believe it until they confirm it themselves. I want a tweet saying they’re engaged, not one about them breaking up.

That’s about all I have to say.


Izzy’s POV

“You ready?” I asked Niall as we waited backstage. He nodded shakily, biting his lip furiously and fiddling with the edge of his dark shirt. We were both wearing black; black shirts, black jeans, black shoes and for me, my old leather jacket. “Have you got the bracelets?”

“Yeah,” he answered, pulling out a pouch of glow bracelets from his school bag.

“You snap them and I’ll tell everyone we’re ready.” I said, striding onto the stage and standing in front of the waiting class. “Attention people!” I commanded, clapping my hands together. “I want all your phones, iPods and flash lights away in your bags. If I see so much as a smidge of light, I will personally hunt you down and beat you with a stick!”

“I’m guessing you and Neil are now ready to perform?” Mr Bolton guessed, an amused grin on his face. I don’t know why, but everyone expected mine and Niall’s performance to be a total flop. Idiots.

“How’d you guess?” I asked sarcastically before swiftly leaving the stage. “Oh, and one more thing,” I added before fully leaving. “Its Niall bitches!!!”

“Did you have to do that?” Niall hissed at me as soon as I was fully backstage.

“Would you rather have been called Neil for the rest of your life?” I retorted. He opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it. “Are the bracelets ready?”

He silently handed me mine and I slipped them on. We each had five glow bracelets on each wrist and ankle; three orange and two yellow.

“Izzy, I’m scared.” Niall blurted out, chewing on his nails. I gently pulled his hands away from his mouth.

“You’re going to be fine. You’re gonna go out there and blow all of them away with your voice. Trust me.” I assured him.

“It’s my first time singing in front of anyone. What if I muck up?” he fretted. I sighed heavily, closing my eyes for a moment.

“Just think of it as just another rehearsal. It’s so dark that it’ll seem like no one’s even there.” I suggested. He nodded quickly. “Now let’s get this show on the road!”

I flicked off all the lights, plunging the whole theatre into darkness while Niall hurried to the other side of the stage. The glow from the bracelets acted as a guide as I started the cd. The opening music to Chasing The Sun began to play and we switched our head microphones on. As the beat started, we walked out onto the black stage towards each other and I stood in front of Niall, stepping forward as a spotlight illuminated me.

“I’m better. So much better now. I see the light, touch the light, we’re together now.” I sang, reaching towards the audience. “I’m better. So much better now. Look to the skies, give me light, we’re together now.” I pointed up before springing backwards in a graceful flip over Niall as he stepped forward.

“We’ve only just begun. Hypnotised by drums. Until forever comes, you’ll find us chasing the sun.” he sang strongly and I appeared beside him.

“They said this day wouldn’t come.” I sang, lacing our fingers together. “We refused to run! We’ve only just begun,”

“You’ll find us chasing the sun!” we sang together before the light snapped off as we started to dance so all everyone could see was the golden glow from the bracelets. “Woah oh oh oh oh oh! Woah oh oh oh oh oh! Woah oh oh oh oh oh!” we sang, making the song come alive.

Breaking Free Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora