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I made a new cover for this story because I was bored and had absolutely no idea what to write. It's on the side on I was wondering if I should change the cover to that?

Sorry this was late but my keyboard somehow fucked up and wouldn't type anything. It's fixed now, thank god! *wipes sweat from brow*

Yeah, that's about it. Until the next update, make sure to brush your teeth twice a day and don't drink orange juice afterwards (it's a bad idea) eat ice cubes instead, it's so cool. It's like you have winter minty breath!! I'm going to stop talking now.


Izzy's POV

"Jump, spin, step forward. La la la, sing sing sing. Duck down, backflip..." I rattled off as we flawlessly performed the dance routine that had been imprinted into our brains. "And finish!"

It'd been nearly two weeks since we'd started school. In fact, we were due to perform to in two days. In the week and a bit since I'd defended him against Rex, Niall had slowly started to come out of his shell. He no longer stuttered around me, but that's not to say it didn't come back as soon as someone else approached.

"Oh thank god," Niall puffed and immediately collapsed onto the stage, chest rising up and down rapidly. I just shook my head at him.

"We've only been doing this for ten minutes!" I said.

"Ten minutes too long!!" he shot back, closing his eyes and placing his hands behind his head.

"Lazy ass," I replied and walked over to the control panel. "Seeing as you're too tired to practice, might as well sort out the lighting. Get up." I ordered, fiddling with a few switches and knobs until I learnt how the system worked.

Groaning, he did as he was told. "What'd you want me to do?"

"Just walk through the dance routine. The stage is gonna be pitch black except for when we're singing." I said and he did as I instructed.

After about fifteen or so minutes, I got the lighting down and saved it to a cd with our song on it. That way when I played it the lights will be in time with the music. I've always had a gift with electronics. I don't know why but I can always figure them out.

"Okay, let's try this with the lights!" I said, clapping my hands. Niall groaned, throwing his head back dramatically. "Just once, then we can stop for the day." We quickly did a quick run through, singing and all. We did bump into each other a few times, but that could be solved tomorrow.

"Hey, we have a free period now, right?" Niall questioned as the bell rang outside in the hallway.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I said as we joined the flood of students dashing off to their next class. We reached my locker and I quickly dumped my books inside before we headed off to his.

"Well, I was wondering..." he started as he also emptied his bag's continents into his locker. "... if you wanted to go and get some real food for lunch instead of the mystery meat they sell at the canteen?"

I though over it for a moment. Pie with soggy pastry or something decent? Such a tough decision. "Might as well." I shrugged.

"Oh thank god! I was afraid you'd say no!" he breathed out in relief. I chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, like I'd trade actual food for canteen slop." I replied sarcastically. "Come on, let's go." I said, pulling him to the office where we signed out before wandering the streets looking for a good place to eat. We finally stumbled across a few restaurants.

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