What Have I Done?

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Wattpad was being a bitch last night and wouldn't let me upload this. So let's hope that this time, it stays up.

I should've put this picture two chapters ago but I forgot so you're getting it now. That over there, ladies and gentlemen, is Rex.

This chapter should be long; considering it has three people's POV's in it and was 7 pages on word. If it's not, well, I've got nobody else to blame.


Anya's POV

"I'm telling you, stay away from those two!" Skyla hissed at me as I grabbed my art folder out of my locker. I rolled my eyes at her. "I heard they sell drugs after school behind the oak tree!"

I scoffed. "You have no proof to any of these rumours of yours." I told her. "The only things you know about them are their names! So maybe you should actually get to know them before you start judging."

"What about when Izzy punched Rex in the face?! That happened, we were there when it did!" she shot back, trying to convince me that I should stay away from Niall and Izzy.

"That's because he was picking on Niall!" I defended.

"Niall? I thought his name was Neil?"

"It's not Neil, its Niall! N-I-A-L-L! Like the river in Egypt!" I corrected, starting to get a bit annoyed at her.

"Does it matter?! He's bad news! I know for a fact that he'll just hurt you!" she said bitterly. I stared at her in disbelief.

"Him? Hurt me? Are you fucking crazy?!" I yelled. Her eyes widened as I swore, seeing as I'd never done that before. Even I was surprised at myself, but right now I didn't care. "Niall is one of the sweetest, most caring guys I've ever met! How can you say those things about him when you can't even pronounce his name correctly!!"

"Anya..." she started, but I cut her off.

"Don't you 'Anya' me! He was there when you weren't! You know I'm new to this city, you know I hate being on my own and you especially know I'm claustrophobic!! Yet, you decided to ditch me in the middle of one of the most crowded cities in the world while you and Eleanor went off and had a grand old time without me!!" I yelled, letting all my anger and frustration out.

"Anya, please. People are starting to stare!" she hissed, eyes darting around as the few people who roamed the hall looked at us in interest.

"Who cares?! Let them stare!! It's not like it matters if they do!" I yelled. "What matters is that you judged Niall before you even talked to him and assume that he's a bad guy! Just piss off,"

I spun around and stormed off in a rage. Striding into my art class, I slammed my art folder down hard on the table and rested my head in my hands as I breathed heavily, trying to get rid of all the anger. The bell rang and someone entered a few seconds afterwards. "Hey," they said to me.

"What?!" I snapped, glaring upwards. Niall jumped, his baby blues growing wide before he dropped them to his shoes.

"I-I'm sorry." He muttered, shuffling his feet a bit. "I-I'll just leave y-you alone. S-sorry," He whispered before turning to go to his usual seat at the back of the room. I grabbed his sleeve and his head shot around to look at me, eyes slightly fearful.

"No! I mean, I'm sorry for snapping you. It's just, my friend's being a jerk and I was angry with her." I apologised. "Come. Sit here." I offered, patting the seat next to me. He hesitantly sat down, eyeing me warily.

"S-so why were you a-angry at your friend?" he asked, taking out his drawing pencils as the rest of the class ebbed in like a trickle of water. I sighed heavily.

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