Conversations with Friends

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Hey guys, wow it’s been a while. Ten months, sheesh. I took a much longer break than I meant to but hopefully I can get back on track with all my stories and I’m on study leave soon so I’ll make sure I find time to write instead of being lazy and eating.

I had to re-read this whole story so I could remember where I was up to and I never realised how intense it was. Damn Kate, where did this come from?

I’m actually so excited to start writing this again.

And with any further ado, here is the much overdue update of Breaking Free!


Skylar’s POV

“Oh my god! You did not!” I exclaimed, looking at Anya in amazement. She’d just told me how she’d publicly humiliated Kyle after discovering that he was cheating on her.

“Well yeah, I kinda did.” She said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.

“And then you went up and kissed Josh?!”

“Yep, that’s pretty much what happened.” She paused, looking worried. “You don’t think that was too mean to Kyle, do you?” she questioned.

“Hell no! That lying cheating bastard got what he deserved! I think you should’ve thrown him in the fountain! Man, I wish I’d been there, that would’ve been so epic to watch.” I slung my arm around her shoulder. “If Josh ever cheats on you, call me before you humiliate him so I can video it. It’d be a YouTube hit!”

Anya rolled her eyes. “Of course Skylar, whatever you say.”

“Don’t take that sarcastic tone with me missy,” I chided. “It’d go viral, I just know it!”

A knock sounded on my door before a head of gingery hair peeked. “Hey girls, whatcha talking about?”

“Nothing dad,” I assured. “Just how awesomely Anya dealt with her cheating ex-boyfriend.”

“A cheating ex-boyfriend?!” my dad said in a girly voice before entering room. “Gurl, I’ll tell you how I’d deal with a cheating boyfriend.”

Anya looked me, starting to giggle. “Dad, Anya’s already-”

“Hush now child!” he interrupted. “I have had, like, so many cheating boyfriends in the past and there’s this plan that I always use to get back at them.”

I shook my head, laughing lightly at how idiotic my father could be at times.

“First I stalk him on Facebook and then when I’m sure he’s cheating I post a really angry tweet about him along with a picture of an angry cat for the whole world to see and when someone retweets it then I know I’ve humiliated him to the point of extinction!”

Anya and I both burst out laughing at how utterly ridiculous my dad’s plan was.

“Oh my god, you guys are so judgemental!” he exclaiming in a girly voice, stomping his foot in mock anger. “You know what?! You two can’t hang out with me anymore because it’s Wednesday and you guys aren’t wearing pink and we always wear pink on Wednesdays!

“I can’t believe you know a Mean Girls quote!” I laughed. “Stop it dad, you’re killing me!”

“I thought it was obvious that I played Regina George in that movie. Just look at me, I’m gorgeous!” he said vainly, pretending to flick his non-existent long hair.

“Staph!” I laughed.

“Alright alright, I’ll stop.” He said, returning to his usual voice. “I was going to tell you two something but I’ve completely forgotten what it is.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully while looking off into space, attempting to remember.

Breaking Free Where stories live. Discover now